Italy 24 Press News

«Two people attacked me» La Nuova Sardegna

Olbia. She might have been pushed or perhaps she might have fallen accidentally. What is known is that she is a fifty-year-old woman fell from the terrace of a house in the historic center from a height of approximately six metres. She is saved by a miracle. A story shrouded in mystery on which i carabinieri of the territorial department will have to try to clarify. As soon as the alarm was raised, around 3 in the morning yesterday, Wednesday 19 June, an ambulance rushed into a dead-end street in the heart of the city. The woman was on the ground, torn by pain, but conscious. She was immediately taken to the emergency room John Paul II and here, after diagnostic tests, fractures were found throughout the body, including in the pelvis.

Further investigations also revealed that he had been drinking and we had to wait for him to recover before being able to say what had happened. «I was attacked and beaten by two strangers, he said.” But she didn’t say a single word about that flight from the balcony which could have turned into a tragedy. The attack, however, would be confirmed by the rupture of the nasal septum which, given the way it fell, could not have been caused by the fall. In short, someone must have hit her forcefully, even punching her in the face. Whether it really was an attack by strangers, as the woman said, remains to be verified. In fact, it cannot be ruled out that the investigations may also concern the family sphere: in this case, if the investigators were to confirm this, the code red.

The hypotheses that are made, in any case, are different. The woman would have had a few too many drinks and perhaps also the person who beat her. And it cannot be ruled out that the situation degenerated during an argument. The person responsible or those responsible for her (if there were several people) could have hit the woman so violently that she staggered and then fell from the balcony. At this moment we can only make hypotheses. However, an investigation was opened by the power of attorney of the Republic of Tempio and now the carabinieri will get to work to try to reconstruct the whole affair. Some residents of the area have already been heard from, although most were asleep at that time, but for the moment there are no suspects. However, someone heard and perhaps there were those who could have witnessed what was happening. But if there are any developments, perhaps we will know in the next few hours. The woman, after spending a few hours in the emergency room, was admitted to the Orthopedics department of the Olbia hospital.

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