Italy 24 Press News

Visits to vineyards resistant to powdery mildew and downy mildew in Basilicata

Event organized by ALSIA on June 25th

The event “Vines resistant to powdery mildew and downy mildew” organized by ALSIA, the Lucanian Agency for Development and Innovation in Agriculture, will be held on Tuesday 25 June 2024. The appointment includes two field visits to the localities of Cerentino, in Maschito (PZ) and Piano del Duca, in Ripacandida (PZ), followed by an in-depth meeting at the Cantine del Notaio.

The initiative focuses on vine cultivars resistant or tolerant to downy mildew and powdery mildew, developed within the In.Vini.Ve.Ri.TAS project (INnovating Lucanian vines and wine-growing: towards varieTAl regeneration, the selection of local vines and antioxidant properties of wines), financed by measure 16.2 of the PSR 2014-2020 of the Basilicata Region and coordinated by the Qui Vulture Consortium.

“To continue to capitalize on the investments of the previous programming and follow up on the experimentation financed through the measures dedicated to research and innovation, we have organized this moment of evaluation with visits to the fields,” declared Aniello Crescenzi, director of ALSIA. “Environmental sustainability requires the use of integrated strategies to reduce the use of synthetic plant protection products, and agriculture is no exception.”

The visits will be accompanied by professor Vitale Nuzzo of the University of Basilicata, who is carrying out the surveys for the evaluation of the vines. Participants will be able to directly observe the vegetative and productive behavior of the different combinations of cultivars and rootstock in the Vulture-Melfese environment.

The program of the day includes:
– At 9.00, meeting and welcoming of participants in the square of the cemetery of Maschito (PZ).
– At 9.30, visit to the varietal field of Località Cerentino, Maschito.
– At 11.00, visit to the varietal field of Località Piano del Duca, Ripacandida (PZ).
– At 1.00 pm, discussion and in-depth analysis at “Cantine del Notaio”, Contrada Serra del Granato, Ripacandida (PZ).

It is possible to register for the appointment via the website. Training credits are provided for agronomists and forestry doctors, agricultural experts and agrotechnicians. For further information, contact the organizing secretariat: Arturo Caponero, cell. 339 – 4082761, email: [email protected].

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