Italy 24 Press News

The municipal council of Ruvo di Puglia approves the PUMS

The proposed Plan was adopted by the Council PUMS, the Urban Sustainable Mobility Plan. All documents can be consulted on the institutional website of the municipality at the following link: amministrazione-Trasparente/Pianificazione-e-governo-del-territorio/PIANO-MOBILITA-CICLISTICA-E- PUMS . Citizens and organized entities have until July 17 to submit comments.

The Plan, which follows the Puglia Region Guidelines on the topic, is a strategic tool useful for satisfying the complex mobility demand of citizens and businesses, to contribute to improving the quality of life and reducing environmental pollution.

Among the main objectives of a PUMS it is worth mentioning the improvement of road safety, the guaranteed possibility for all citizens to reach key destinations and services, the reduction of air pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption, the improvement of the attractiveness of the territory. A tool that imagines and designs the city that moves in the horizon of the next ten years.

The proposed plan will be illustrated to the city during a public meeting Thursday 4 July, location and time will be announced in the next few days.

The PUMS of Ruvo di Puglia, also created with the collaboration of the group of professionals from Elaborazione srl, is a complex work that aims to define tools and strategies to gradually make the ways in which we move around the urban space on a daily basis more inclusive and sustainable and which contains a vision of a future city. The solutions proposed by the Plan are also the result of the participatory processes carried out in recent years and take into account what is foreseen by the other municipal planning tools currently being drafted, in a harmonious scenario that contemplates needs and modal rebalancing.

Of particular importance in the Ruvese PUMS are: the theme of travel for work (particularly “sensitive” areas are the industrial area, via Aldo Moro and the historic centre); the sustainability of systematic and daily travel with the aim of improving the safety necessary for the mobility of vulnerable users, reducing polluting emissions especially near schools by decongesting traffic during entry and exit times; the reorganization and strengthening of public transport; encouraging travel by bicycle and with more sustainable means.

“It’s about it – said the mayor Pasquale Chieco – of an important passage for the city, the fundamental junction of a project we have been working on for years.

The quality of life, the protection of the environment, the culture of slow mobility have always been priority objectives of our administrative program; this PUMS will be the tool that will help us govern the mobility of our city for at least the next decade with targeted choices, assessments, decisions, projects and implementation procedures. If we know how to interpret the challenges it contains, we will help our community grow in a harmonious, sustainable and peaceful way.”

“The right to mobility of each citizen – said the Councilor for the Environment and Territory with responsibility for Sustainable Mobility Antonio Mazzone – can no longer ignore the duty to optimize travel from a sustainable and inclusive perspective. This is the – very ambitious – task that Ruvo di Puglia has, together with the communities of Europe and the entire world, if the common objective is to improve the quality of life on planet Earth while preserving natural resources for future generations. On the other hand, planning on the topic of mobility, such as our PUMS, which today opens to collect public comments, and the PMCC, the Cycling and Cycling/Pedestrian Mobility Plan already approved in 2018, are increasingly considered as key tools in implementation of policies regarding mobility and sustainability more generally. For our Municipality, bringing the PUMS to approval will mean providing ourselves with an outline of the future city and, at the same time, the prerequisite for intercepting significant financing opportunities to create the city we imagine for the next few years, the city for everyone.

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