Italy 24 Press News

SICILY – Pelligra: “Catania, important steps in the coming months to design an impressive structure”

photo Catania FC

Rosario Pelligra is preparing to return to Australia, but exclusively for work reasons (he is keen to underline: «If I were on holiday I would enjoy the sun of a Catania that we must all make more and more beautiful»). Then, to the newspaper Sicily reiterates his satisfaction at having brought Domenico Toscano to Catania: «He really seemed like a determined man to me. His ideas immediately coincided with those of the company. I asked Grella humanely which person was him. He replied that he didn’t accept for the money, but for the desire to win in Catania. And then I immediately said to take him, he is the right person ».
«Those who work in football don’t want to lose. Never. We are working to do better”adds Pelligra: «I tell the fans that we must become one team. All together”.

Regarding the topic related to plant engineering: «In the coming months we will take important steps to design the structure I have in mind. Yes, some may think that two years is too long and perhaps for an ‘entry level’ structure this could be the case. I actually say that we want to create an impressive work that can remain even when we are no longer here, perhaps in a hundred years (he smiles, ed.) and consequently all aspects must be evaluated in detail and require the right amount of time: there is a regulatory framework in which to place oneself, because it is always the law to frame feasibility; there is a context of environmental impact, which must be minimal because we want to enhance our wonderful landscape and enhance it, not modify it; there is a harmonious insertion on the urban and social level to take into account, because this structure must not take anything away from the community but is designed for the community and must improve the conditions and way of playing sports for young people; there is a timetable in several stages, from the acquisition of the land to the planning and construction.”

«I don’t like wasting time but time is necessary to get the best things. My dream is to be able to host many kids by welcoming them into the Catania family so they can have fun in the meantime. Then have everyone train in the same large structure, on the various fields. So that the first team at work is observed by the children of the nursery. It would be an exceptional sight for all of us.”

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