Italy 24 Press News

“From Gilberto Pichetto Fratin a non-ideological but pragmatic vision”

Viterbo – The vice-president of the Environment, Territory and Public Works commission of the Chamber Francesco Battistoni intervenes

Francesco Battistoni

Viterbo – “The words expressed by Minister Pichetto during question time in the Chamber were pragmatic and reassuring where he clarified the timing and operational methods of the measure on the law on nature restoration, illustrating to the Chamber the clear and non-ideological vision of the Government on the new law approved in the EU”. This was stated in a note by the vice-president of the Environment, Territory and Public Works commission of the Chamber, Francesco Battistoni.

Despite Italy having voted against the law on the restoration of habitats and ecosystems at European level – continues Battistoni –the line traced by the minister requires first of all that the Mase prepare the plan in the next 2 years but above all, that a series of formal steps be carried out preparatory to the introduction of the law, which will have to reconcile the economic, environmental and social sustainability of the interventions , also arranging, among other things, ad hoc European funding that avoids greater spending burdens on the sectors involved“.

“The outline of the Plan, – continues Battistoni – will have to be subjected to a Strategic Environmental Assessment (VAS) with a consequent consultative and participatory phase of the interested parties in order to guarantee, as the minister underlined, a multidisciplinary approach taking into consideration the initiatives already underway at regional level within the Natura 2000 network. Thanks to this mode of intervention – concludes Battistoni – Italy will be able to define its operational plan by adopting a participatory and systemic method and not one of imposition, as would be certain Europe inclined not to consider the specificities of each individual national territory”.

June 19, 2024

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