Italy 24 Press News

Red Cross of Sumirago celebrating. With simulation of rescue for an accident

“An accident has happened, call for help”. The sound of sirens approaching, the arrival of ambulances and firefighters and the start of rescue maneuvers to save human lives.

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Party and simulation for the Sumirago Red Cross 4 of 10

But what happened? Who got hurt? Fortunately no one, it is “only” a simulation of a car accident, which involved various operational units, the same ones that actually intervene in everyday life in case of need.

The exercise took place Sunday 9 June at the sports center and party area “M. Laino” in via Carducci a Sumiragoin which two ambulances took part Italian Red Cross of Gallaratei Fire fightersthe Sumirago Civil Protection, the Canine Unit of the Regional Committee of the Lombardy Red Cross and the Varese Red Cross with a vehicle used as a command post.

The population was thus able to witness the rescuers’ maneuvers up close, with the latter making use of simulators – duly rigged by the operators of the Red Cross committees of Gallarate, Tradate-Varese, Legnano-Parabiago, Lainate and Lipomo-Como – to make the simulation as real as possible.

The exercise was part of the two-day celebration organized by Sumirago Red Cross – in collaboration with Pro Loco and the group Alpini of Quinzano-Sumirago – on the occasion of the thirtieth anniversary of its foundation, with the Mayor of Sumirago Yvonne Beccegato who did not miss his presence and thanks for the precious work carried out daily.

During the days it was also possible to attend and take part in the demonstration of BLSD (Basic Life Support and Defibrillation) and pediatric obstruction maneuvers as well as carrying out the measurement of both blood pressure and blood sugar by the Volunteer Nurses.

Not just adults, however, because even the little ones – made up for the occasion by the face painting group – had their space, with the knowledge of the “118 children”, brought to schools in our area for several years to teach children how make the call to the Single Emergency Number.

The coordination and logistics of the event were managed impeccably by the Emergency Area of ​​the Gallarate Red Cross, present with a structure used as an Operations Room active in telecommunications and weather monitoring.

Two days of celebration but also of learning about some of the numerous activities that the Red Cross has been carrying out for several years now, always paying attention to the needs of citizens.

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