Italy 24 Press News

At Trame, the works from Reggio Calabria confiscated from the mafia are on display

I am 22 the confiscated works at the ‘ndranghetakept inside the Palazzo della Cultura Pasquino Crupi, the loan contribution from the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria at the Trame Festival which opened its doors in these hours Lamezia Terme. At the inauguration of the event, organized by Nuccio Iovene, president of the Trame ETS Foundation, together with the Director Giovanni Tizian, Lorenzo Canova and Pietro Folena of the Metamorfosi Association, the Director of the Confiscated Assets Agency Bruno Corda, the Undersecretary of the Ministry of the Interior Wanda Ferro, to the mayor of Lamezia Paolo Mascaro, the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà was present, together with the metropolitan councilor delegated for Culture Filippo Quartuccio.

“Civic Visions. Art returned. From the works confiscated from the mafia to the common good”, is the title of the exhibition project curated by Lorenzo Canova which, until 28 July, will display a selection of works by art seized from organized crime. The occasion for the presentation of the exhibition, in a symbolic alignment of themes and objectives, was the Festival of books on the Trame mafias.


The exhibition, inaugurated at the same time as the thirteenth edition of the event, includes the display of a wide selection of works of art, the result of seizures from some criminal organizations active in Italy, currently available to the National Agency for Seized and Confiscated Assets and the Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria.

Falcomatà’s words

During his speech, Mayor Falcomatà first thanked the Trame Festival and said he was proud of the contribution “with the awareness that this event is a point of reference, not only for Calabria but, in terms of combating mafias, for the entire country”.

And he added: “for us it is the further piece of a puzzle that we started building almost ten years ago. The sector of assets confiscated from the ‘Ndrangheta is one of the first activities that we have attacked since the establishment of our Administration. There was no regulation for the assignment and management of these assets before and today, however, our regulation has become one of the “best practices” acquired, adopted, updated to everyone’s needs, in many municipalities in our country” .

We are happy to continue on this path – said the mayor – because it is true that works of art need to be in a museum, but they also need to make themselves known as much as possible outside. At Palazzo Crupi we have over a hundred works confiscated from organized crime, others will arrive. In addition to the idea of ​​transforming that Palace of Culture into a Palace of Art, it is necessary to return art to the citizens and make it accessible to all and make it become a Palace of Culture and confiscated assets and, naturally, contribute to awareness outside of what is the message of strength of these assets through this exhibition”.

“This will therefore be our contribution to the exhibition, with exhibitions of these works that will continue in Milan and then in Rome. There is a theme of restored beauty that we have the duty to extend not only to works of art but also to facts to avoid becoming accustomed to ugliness. And the ugly, the result of criminal conquests, we face every day. Just yesterday, while we were demolishing a building in the Southern Linear Park, together with the local police forces, a person from the neighborhood who had created the illegal building, carelessly, aggressively and with mafia language threatened the restoration activity. of legality and recovery of the decorum that was being created in that territory”.

In conclusion, for the mayor: “we must be aware of what is being done in the area, that there are institutions pushing through urban regeneration, the reconquest, millimeter after millimetre, of spaces taken away from beauty and legality, but obviously we must know that we are not playing against no one, but that the presence of crime is there and that when we talk about team-State, we have the duty to recognize ourselves: broad shoulders, straight backs, traveling companions”.

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