Italy 24 Press News

Iacucci and Bevacqua (PD Calabria) agree with Occhiuto: “Calabrian deputies were right not to vote for the law”

“The latest statements by the president of Calabria and national deputy secretary of Forza Italia, Roberto Occhiuto, on the national political choices of his party in reference to the Differentiated Autonomy approved in Parliament are very serious. ‘I fear that the national centre-right has made a mistake, which they will soon realise’ said the governor, sharing the position of the Calabrian deputies of Forza Italia, Francesco Cannizzaro, Giuseppe Mangialavori and Giovanni Arruzzolo who did not vote for the law. A position – explain the regional councilors of the Democratic Party Francesco Iacucci and Domenico Bevacqua – which, together with the whole group, we have taken for some time, anticipating what the president himself complained only today.

The failure to delve into the consequences of the DDL, with its approval taking place in a divisive climate both in Parliament and in the country, as Occhiuto explained, and which makes it impossible to ratify the State and Regions agreements without first having defined the essential levels of performance (Lep ) and again the circumstance that this rule seemed, from the beginning, to be the flag of a single political force. Occhiuto basically expressed himself in our own words, raising doubts which we have been asking for attention for months and which have consistently remained unheard. Only now, when the damage has been done, does President Occhiuto retrace his steps and agree with our battle against Differentiated Autonomy, speaking of a vote in forced stages”.

“However – conclude Iacucci and Bevacqua -, Roberto Occhiuto’s change of direction gives us hope and means that our work was not in vain and that the Democratic Party had seen us through. In any case, now Differentiated Autonomy is law and the consequences for the South will be the most disastrous. Now that the president also agrees with our reasons, we hope that he can, coherently, continue the battle together with us and block the approval of the “damage law” which undermines the South and which must be blocked”.

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