Italy 24 Press News

Reggio Calabria, the notice against gender violence has been published

There Metropolitan city Of Reggio Calabriathrough a notice published on the Institution’s institutional portal, intends to promote actions aimed at “Prevention and fight against gender violence, with interventions to support women who have suffered violence”. The metropolitan mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà announced this in a joint note together with the Councilors delegated to Social Policies, Domenico Mantegna, and to Equal Opportunities, Filippo Quartuccio.

The objectives

Among the objectives of Palazzo Alvaro, in line with the programmatic mandate of the mayor and the delegates, are those of promoting processes of cultural change in terms of gender equality and protection of rights; promote the identification and emergence of the phenomenon of gender violence in the metropolitan area; implement actions to combat gender violence in all its forms; enhance and strengthen the network between bodies, municipalities, institutions and third sector bodies in order to activate actions for the reception and support of women victims of violence and dependent minors.

Falcomatà illustrates the contents of the announcement

“Once again – explains the mayor Giuseppe Falcomatà illustrating the contents of the announcement – the Metropolitan City demonstrates its concrete usefulness and closeness to the daily needs of the community and in particular, as in this case, of the most fragile subjects, such as women who are victims of gender violence. The announcement allocates a substantial sum to support projects promoted by anti-violence centres. Concrete, real, tangible support, which we hope will be able to provide important lifeblood to structures that are truly very important in the process of supporting victims of violence”.

I notify

The Notice is aimed at managers of Anti-Violence Centers (CAV), having their registered or operational headquarters in the metropolitan area and who, at the date of publication, are authorized and recognized by the Calabria Region in compliance with the provisions of the agreements and current legislation. Each organization may submit only one project proposal. The presentation by the proposing body of letters of adhesion to the aims of the Project from other public or private entities is permitted. This adhesion must be proven by attaching a letter of intent to the project proposal, signed by the legal representative of the person involved, in which adhesion to the initiative without charges is formalized.


The project proposals must include the pursuit of the objectives identified as actions aimed at supporting the insertion – reintegration of women victims of violence into the world of work; actions aimed at supporting women in order to promote empowerment, the acquisition of autonomy and self-awareness, also through psychological and parenting support courses, with a view to managing minor children; actions relating to cultural, educational, sporting activities, etc. that are aimed at the physical and psychological well-being of women who have suffered violence. The maximum duration of project activities cannot exceed 12 months following the start of the activities.

Further details can be consulted at the following address: prevention-and-contrast-to-gender-violence-interventions-to-support-women-who-have-suffered-violence/announcement-year-2024-violence-sulle-donne.pdf/view.

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