Italy 24 Press News



CORIGLIANO-ROSSANO (Cs), Wednesday 19 June 2024 – If the ‘mmasciate’ system is directly functional to gaining electoral consensus through questionable methods, it is truly absurd and paradoxical that a mayor elected with 65% of the votes, instead of speaking once again time of its possible programmatic contents, you can’t find anything better, a few hours after the vote and among its first official statements, than to continue with the same record and to accuse the losing coalition of ‘marring’ the losing coalition which, therefore, of that opaque consensus, perhaps she did not avail herself.

For the newly formed and unitary Council Opposition Council Group (Pasqualina Straface, Marisa Caravetta, Giancarlo Bosco, Giuseppe Turano, Elena Olivieri; Guglielmo Caputo, Daniela Romano, Demetrio Walter Caputo and Piero Lucisano) as well as contradictory with respect to the same electoral outcome, absurd and unsustainable from many points of view, this reiterated needlessly offensive attitude of the First Citizen, primarily of the same institutional role held, is devoid of style and profoundly rude and disrespectful towards the approximately 15 thousand voters who freely placed their trust in those who had and they have a different idea of ​​politics, government and progress.

In fact, 24 hours after the electoral result, interpreting the sentiment shared by all the political forces in support of the coalition, our candidate Pasqualina Straface did not hesitate for a moment to acknowledge the defeat and to congratulate the reconfirmed Mayor, wishing him good work .

Therefore, to our once again approach of balance and common sense, scrupulously respecting both the principle and method of democratic alternation and the choices of the electorate, even in the first public outing of his second mandate, the Mayor preferred to contrast this soap opera of ‘mmashes which has already seriously polluted, due to the direct responsibility of the majority, an electoral campaign which as far as we are concerned had started and should have continued under the banner of programmatic and content confrontation.

In claiming today more than yesterday a method and a vision of government and development of the City alternative to that embodied by the Stasi and today chosen by the majority of voters, we continue to reject to the sender that exact system of ‘marshes which not only is belonged to him from the beginning and for all five past years but which in the last year he has implemented scientifically, up to the very evident and corresponding composition of his lists with direct and indirect beneficiaries of municipal orders at every level; a widespread system, of dense connections, friends and relatives, which we have tried to reveal and document in recent weeks, which we will continue to relentlessly report to the city and which if a consensus has been produced, it certainly cannot be the one awarded to the elected councilors of opposition.

Instead of continuing to deal with other things and others, betraying his obvious interest in other and upcoming electoral competitions as he did throughout the campaign that has just ended, in his first official outing the Mayor could, for example, have made any reflection on the fact that, in addition to the numerous and authoritative outgoing councilors who were not re-elected, the main councilors of his former council, from the one for the budget and vice mayor to the one for urban planning, from the one for social services to the one for maintenance, were soundly rejected by the electorate, thus confirming the affirmation of the lone man in command with populist streaks, to the detriment of a government team without a strategic vision for the City in vital sectors.

In reiterating our determination to immediately carry out a proactive, analytical, constructive opposition in a cohesive and united way, both in the civic assembly and in the City, but at the same time without discounting any of the denunciation and transparency initiatives undertaken in these months, we want to hope that the First Citizen will begin to treat the institutions and the public function held with the authority, balance, impartiality, respect for the rules and sobriety that being the maximum representative of the community requires of him. largest city in Calabria and among the most important in the region. – (Source: Corigliano-Rossano Council Opposition – Lenin Montesanto/Contents Strategies & Lobbying).

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