Italy 24 Press News

Acquired disability, Koru volunteers alongside the Project 98 CSEs in Busto and Somma

BUSTO ARSIZIO – Pienone at the Cortiletto in via Cavour for the aperitif fundraising for the voluntary organization Koruwhich supports projects and activities in support of the Progetto 98 cooperative, which in turn manages a CSE for people with acquired disabilities. «Young people and adults who have lost physical functionality following a trauma, be it a road accident or a brain pathology such as a stroke» he explains Sara Gornaticoordinator of Koru volunteers.


I am around fifty people with acquired disabilities that the social cooperative Progetto 98, chaired by Norma Mazzettofollows in the two CSE of Busto Arsizio (in via Pozzi, above the ACLI) and Somma Lombardo. The mission of Koru Odv, with its volunteers, is «to support the cooperative with an important boost of energy in services – underlines the president of Koru Paolo Colombani – for example the transport of users, the support of educators and activities such as art therapy and music therapy, as well as the management of the Somma cycle workshop». And in fact the goal of the fundraiser is aimed at supporting specific projects: 25 euros for one music therapy or animal therapy session50 euros for one full of methane to the minibus which takes users on trips to the area, 75 euros for the psychological and social support for family members of users, 100 euros and more to fulfill the dream of a new transport vehicle by volunteers.

The role of Koru OdV

«We are born at the time of the “Saturday night massacres” – reveals Paolo Colombani – the objective was to help young people restart their lives after road accidents. We now also follow the other dimension of acquired disability, namely those adults who recover from a stroke or an aneurysm. We with Progetto 98 begin to operate when people finish their hospital rehabilitation journey». But Koru’s attention is also paid to family members and caregivers, who «dedicate all their attention to the “patient” but sometimes no one takes care of their well-being».

The energy of the volunteers

«When you meet a disabled person, also ask the family member and caregiver how he is doing» Sara Gornati’s invitation during the aperitif at the Cortiletto, delighted by the musical accompaniment ofConcertare association and from DJ set by Paolo De Fusco. They were also present councilor Alessandro Albani for the municipal administration and the City Center Merchants Committee of Busto Arsizio which is “twinned” with Progetto 98 as part of the Community Connections project. But the real protagonists of the evening were the Koru Odv volunteers. «I have received much more than I feel I have given» reveals Chiara. «Even just taking the kids, who are between 30 and 45 years old, to the park or going for a coffee is important – adds Valentina – me spending three hours with them I give myself a gift every week». «In addition to the donation your time is neededto help us in our activities” Davide’s appeal to the participants of the event.

From the motorbike accident to “Progetto vita”, the testimony of Alessio Tavecchio in Sesto

bust arsizio koru acquired disability – MALPENSA24
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