Italy 24 Press News


The initiative, which brings together the Postal Police, the Italian Post Office and the Municipality of Pisa, continues with the event entitled “Digital and financial education in the field of fraud prevention” held at the Italian Post Office headquarters in Pisa, in the room dedicated to training.

The common objective of the synergy in the field is to increase social awareness of the risks linked to online scams and what each of us can do to defend ourselves. Lack of knowledge, unawareness, distraction, sophisticated social engineering strategies used by scammers to create anxiety and worry in victims: anyone can fall into the trap, even the most experienced users.

In fact, the techniques that are used to illicitly steal personal, sensitive and financial data are increasingly insidious: phishing, smishing, vishing, telephone spoofing, correspond to precise types of deception, with respect to which it is necessary to clarify as much as possible.

For this reason, the State Police makes the most qualified resources of the Tuscan Postal Police available to the community, to satisfy the growing demands for security, increasingly projected into the cyber domain.
For two consecutive weeks, on Thursdays and Fridays, until the 14th, at the aforementioned Poste Italiane headquarters in central Pisa, special information corners were set up for users, managed by personnel from the operational section of the Pisa Postal Police and by Poste Italiane operators.

Satisfaction with the initiative was expressed by the representatives of Poste Italiane, Alessandra Mariotti (Head of Fraud Management Center North) and Fabrizio Gaudio (Pisa branch manager): “The pilot project that followed the event of 31 May and which saw commitments, in the month of June, in collaboration with the Operational Center for Cyber ​​Security of the Postal Police for Tuscany and the Municipality of Pisa, is a concrete activity carried out directly alongside the citizens, who have had the availability, for this month, to interact with experts and professionals in the sector, able to listen and communicate appropriately for their every need ”.

The activities will continue in September, when a second training session dedicated to high school students will be held, organized by the Postal Police Operations Center for Tuscany.

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