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Bologna Airport: focus on sustainability

Big news coming to Bologna airport: a report from the Piepoli Research Institute has in fact highlighted the enormous potential of the airport. On this basis, technological innovations will be introduced in the near future to promote efficiency and environmental sustainability.

Bologna, the beating heart of Emilia Romagna, is a constantly changing reality, always ready to evolve. It is no coincidence that it is considered one of the best cities to live in.

His choices on the field of sustainable mobility are considered cutting-edge: if the “Zone 30“to reduce air pollution generated by urban traffic and at the same time safeguard the safety of pedestrians and cyclists, theGuglielmo Marconi airport in Bologna is bike friendly since July last year.

In this sense, the very recent report by the Piepoli Research Institute on perception of the Bologna airport system highlighted the level of citizen satisfaction for an airport considered efficient. It is therefore not surprising that after the publication of the data, the managers of Bologna airport announced further changes and improvements, above all to optimize the mobility services offered in a sustainable way.

Let’s find out together what data emerged from the survey and what the promises are for the future of the airport.

Bologna Airport, the data emerging from the survey

The data on Bologna airport was obtained thanks to two online focus groups with citizens of Bologna. To this were also added quantitative data obtained from 1,500 CATI/CAWI interviews of some citizens residing in Bologna and the province.

The report identified three strands which give a complete picture of various aspects concerning the airport and the urban centre.

The first line on life quality recorded important numbers: in fact, 89% of citizens declared themselves very satisfied. 27% stated that they reside in a “livable” area of ​​the city, while 16% referred to satisfaction with the presence of high-level services and infrastructure.

The second strand, centered on Bologna airport, offered interesting insights into its potential. In fact the 94% of citizens consider the airport essential for the development and well-being of the city. According to the sample, the airport generates important impacts for the entire territory. For 97% the airport can have a positive impact on tourism and economic developmentwhile 96% think it is also useful at an employment level.

The perception of the population towards sustainability measures

The third strand focused on the measures implemented to mitigate the environmental impact of operations on the territory. Bologna is notoriously one green city, but not all its citizens are aware of the measures also adopted at the airport to respect this parameter.

36% said they were aware of limiting or reducing the number of flights per hour, while 25% are aware of the use of landing or take-off runways furthest from the city.

46% consider the solutions aimed at reconciling airport development and community well-being to be right. Indeed, 36% hope for new sustainable measures that can lead to further benefits.

Bologna Airport, the words of the protagonists

Piepoli expressed his opinion on the data in the report from the Research Institute Nazareno Ventola, CEO and General Manager of Bologna Airport. As reported by, he declared: «The results that emerged outline a picture of general satisfaction for the value created and the development with some corrective measures to be implemented. The data will serve to direct actions and efforts for the sustainable development of the airport even more precisely

Enrico PostacchiniPresident of Bologna Airport, instead said: «We are aware that there are margins for improvement and corrective measures to be implemented. The data collected will provide us with valuable information to more precisely direct our actions and efforts aimed at promoting sustainable development of the airport. It is with commitment and determination that we will continue to work to guarantee a increasingly efficient service and oriented to the needs of our users and the community we serve

Article Modified On:June 12, 2024

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