Italy 24 Press News

Use of Teramo Sports Facilities: Clarifications from the Tennis Club After Piantieri’s Accusations

Regarding what appeared in recent days in some press outlets and stated by Mr. Edgardo Piantieri, despite being his “open letter” addressed to the Mayor of the Municipality of Teramo and not to us directly, as President and legal representative – tempore of the ASD Circolo Tennis Teramo Costante Bernardini I would like to point out the following.

Given that the agreement signed in November 2021 by the undersigned with the Municipality of Teramo, on the basis of a regular award of the municipal tender, provides that the use of the structure is the responsibility of the awarded ASD for a total of 80% of the hours and that the remaining percentage of 20% belongs to the same only in the event that there are no specific requests from other associations, the Teramo Tennis Club chaired by Mr. Edgardo Piantieri, at the time also an ordinary member of our association, on 23 July 2021, (therefore even before the signing of the contract between the Municipality of Teramo and our ASD), sent via certified e-mail a generic request to use 20% of the hours, listing three types of projects without any further specific explanation either on the methods or on the timing of their implementation.

In the following months, to be precise on 4 February 2022, the Teramo Tennis Club requested, via certified email, a meeting with the board of directors of our ASD which took place on the following 28 February at the premises of the Municipality of Teramo in Parco della Scienza, at presence of the then Councilor for Sport Mrs. Sara Falini and the Municipal Manager Eng. Remo Bernardi and in which it was clarified by the latter to President Piantieri that he absolutely could not expect the use of the structure for free, taking into account the huge management costs ordinary burden on the ASD concessionaire, and that the request should have been presented in more detail and specifying what and how it would carry out its projects during the hours of use. Following this meeting, I myself, as President, as happens every year, presented the report on the use of the structure, highlighting how 36% of the hours (therefore well over the 20% established by the agreement), in which the service is guaranteed, it was already used by people not registered with our Club or by non-members so the possibility of use by any user external to our Association was already largely assured and permitted. Nonetheless, on 4.3.2023, the undersigned expressed to the Tennis Club Teramo that it was available to grant her the use of tennis courts n.3 and n.6, a padel court and the gym at established times and at the rate applied to non-members, but on 04/27/2023 this proposal of ours was also rejected by Mr. Piantieri, on behalf of the association he presides over.

Lastly, last November, on the 14th, in a further meeting held in the Municipality in front of the Sports Councilor, Dr. Alessandra Ferri, it was agreed with Mr. Piantieri to grant his association use for 8 hours daily use of a tennis court (number 3) at the rate reserved for non-members. On that occasion, the reasons why it was necessary to communicate in advance the names of his associates who would make use of the fields, given

that our association is affiliated with Coni and FITP, and as such must compulsorily comply with federal rules, in order to allow us to verify that all users are registered with the requesting association and that they are in possession of a regular medical certificate of suitability to sports practice (both competitive and non-competitive).

Finally, as stated regarding the alleged violation of article 8 of the agreement, it is stated that the total management of the spaces dedicated to padel activity is the exclusive responsibility of the ASD CIRCOLO TENNIS TERAMO COSTANTE BERNARDINI, which limited itself to signing (as per the specific provision of the announcement) a regular rental contract for the use of the structures intended for the padel game, against which she pays a monthly fee and at the end of which she will become the owner of the same structures, for the benefit of the granting Municipality of Teramo which will become the owner at the end of the agreement.

It was necessary

Vincenzo Jacopo Lapenna

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