Italy 24 Press News

Palermo embraces sustainability with the RECOPET project

Environmental sustainability takes a step forward with the arrival of the RECOPET project by Corepla, the National Consortium for the collection, recycling and recovery of plastic packaging.

In collaboration with the Municipality of Palermo and Rap SpA, 40 latest generation eco-compactors have been installed to facilitate the recycling of PET bottles.

This project aims to encourage citizens to dispose of plastic bottles correctly, offering prizes and contributing to the virtuous cycle of “bottle-to-bottle”, transforming old bottles into new ones.

Currently, six eco-compactors are already operational in strategic points of the city, thanks to Garby’s commitment and the technical support of Amg Energia:

  • Viale Campania corner via Lazio;
  • Piazzale John Lennon corner via Giotto;
  • Via Pindaro (Mondello);
  • Via Giuseppe Cimbali corner of Via Ammiraglio Rizzo;
  • Via Ugo Falcando corner of Via Valerio Rosso;
  • Via Rocco Jenna

Sicily, with a separate waste collection per capita of 24.9 kg, in line with the national average, is thus preparing to welcome summer tourist flows with a approach increasingly sustainable.

Giovanni Cassuti, President of Coreplaexpresses enthusiasm for the results achieved: “We are very happy with the journey we have made so far and to have also arrived in the capital of this beautiful region.

So far, over 1 million PET bottles have been sent for recycling thanks to our network of eco-compactors.”

The initiative represents a fundamental step in the fight against the dispersion of waste in the environment.

The Councilor for Environmental Policies Pietro Alongi underlined the importance of synergistic collaboration between public and private

“We can only win this challenge through a collaborative path that sees the public and private sectors together, working in the interest of the environment.

Let’s reward the virtuous citizens who will place the plastic bottles in the forty machines that will be installed in the city.”

Giuseppe Todaro, president of Rap, reiterated the importance of separate waste collection:

“Separating and recycling means reducing the amount of material to be taken to landfill, reducing waste, saving resources and protecting the environment.

The collaboration with Corepla is essential to promote greater awareness and habits of recycling among citizens.”

The RECOPET project is part of a series of initiatives aimed at raising citizens’ awareness of the importance of recycling plastic as a precious resource.

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