Italy 24 Press News

The new website of the Municipality of Aprilia was presented

A simple, rational navigation site, built around the real needs of the citizen.

This morning, in the Luigi Meddi Council Room of the municipal headquarters in Piazza Roma, the councilor for public education, information, citizen services and IT services Elvis Martino and the municipal secretary, Dr. Walter Gaudio, officially presented the platform created by Work capital of the Metropolitan City of Rome, as part of the Mission 1 project Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, tourism and culture, financed with Pnrr funds and which will come into operation by the end of the month, replacing the site currently in use.

The new site, created by the in-house company of the Metropolitan City of Rome, is characterized by its ease of use for the benefit of the citizen: the aim is to make access to services, information and forms easier, in order to encourage the digitalisation of procedures carried out by the public administration and for the benefit of users. Conceived following a circular logic, from the administrative area to the user service, the new site is designed to be easily accessible even from smartphones.

“We are the only municipality outside the metropolitan area of ​​Rome – specified the municipal secretary Walter Gaudio – to have had this closeness with Capitale Lavoro in the creation of the site and this represents a further reason for pride. Behind the site there is the work of all the offices and sectors of the Municipality of Aprilia, which I thank. The underlying criterion that drives the new site is circularity: compared to the old sites, there is a logical navigation criterion, which prevents the citizen from getting lost while browsing. For some services it is already possible to make payments and access reserved areas, others will be implemented shortly. The ultimate objective is to guarantee citizens access to the services provided by the institution with a simple click, without having to physically go to the Municipality offices”.

“I would like to thank the work team – remarked councilor Elvis Martino – who in recent months has collaborated with the offices of the VI Sector, General Secretariat to implement the new platform. All municipalities are service providers, our aim is to bring timely and transparent information to our citizens and businesses. This logic is the basis of the creation of the new site, which allows us to clearly and directly frame all the information that citizens and businesses need.

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