Italy 24 Press News

Quality of the climate, in Taranto as in the tropics, Brindisi is the most liveable city in Puglia. «Summer with two degrees above average»

The city of Brindisi was the most livable in Puglia in terms of climate, Taranto was the one in which – more than in any other provincial capital in Italy – the greatest inconveniences were suffered due to the heat. In both, however, for four months of the year, it felt like sleeping in the tropics.
These are some of the most significant data that emerge from the study conducted by «» on behalf of Corriere della Serawhich allows – also for this year – to draw up the ranking of the 108 Italian provincial capitals where in 2023 (from a climatic point of view) it was more pleasant to spend the days.

Tedici and Gussoni’s research

The impressive research work – carried out by meteorologists Lorenzo Tedici and Mattia Gussoni – takes into consideration 17 climate indices, which evaluate cities and the impact of the climate on the liveability of their residents. They are: heat index (combination of humidity, temperature, wind and solar radiation values, expressed in days of physical discomfort from heat); tropical nights (minimum temperature >20°C, time range 9-8pm); sunshine; heat waves; drought, extreme heat, temperature range; cold days (maximum temperature

The liveability index of the capitals

The livability index developed by «» rewards the cities overlooking the Adriatic coast (a little less so the regional capital) where the winds from the north mitigate the summer heat, compared instead to those inland and on the coast ionic: it is no coincidence that the first cities in Puglia they are Brindisi (21st place in Italy), Barletta (26th) and Bari (53rd), and that the most penalized are Lecce (96th), Foggia (99th) and Taranto (102nd).
In 2023, the residents of the Ionian capital suffered the most from the inconveniences of the heat, first in Italy in relation to the heat index, with 66 days of “suffering”. Foggia did not fare any better, 4th in Italy, with 62 days; the values ​​were better in Lecce (47 days), Bari (46), Barletta (44) and Brindisi (41).

Taranto and the tropical nights

The “City between the two seas” was the most penalized in Puglia also with regards to “tropical nights” – 126 in one year – but the other capitals did not rejoice either: in Brindisi there were 124, in Lecce 118, in Bari 117, in Barletta 107 and in Foggia 96. The Daunian capital, however, is in 6th place in Italy in relation to the “African heat”, with 24 days in which the temperature was above 35°, followed by Lecce, with 19 days. One less in Taranto; 11 in Bari and Barletta. Just 5 in Brindisi, second in Italy for “gusts of wind” only in Trieste and third for “sea breeze”, which help to mitigate the great summer heat. And which, moreover, allow the Messapian capital to rank in the last places in relation to “heat waves” (series of at least four consecutive days with temperatures above average): 21. A completely different story for Taranto – 65 heat waves all year – because the fresh winds from the north arrive warmed after crossing Basilicata and Metapontino.

The expert: «Puglia is affected by climate warming»

«Puglia, like much of Italy, is affected by climate warming – explains meteorologist Lorenzo Tedici – the cities that gain positions are the cooler ones on the Adriatic coast, where the wind mitigates the summer heat a little, unlike the areas internal where instead there is a lot of suffering: see Taranto, on the Ionian Sea, and Foggia, internal”.
«In Puglia – adds Tedici – the heat dominates: large cities like Bari will tend to drop in position, while other smaller ones will rise. In Taranto, in the next few days, it will reach 41 degrees: a continental climate, although it overlooks the sea». And next summer? «It will be 2 degrees warmer than the average for the period – continues the meteorologist, a well-known face from Sky – already today the Adriatic is 4-5 degrees warmer than average. Every year it gets worse and worse. Generally speaking, this summer will also be very hot: beyond the showers expected for next week, there will be no rain until the end of July with temperatures above average. It won’t be difficult to get close to 45°: considering the tendency to rise, peaks of even 47° are not excluded.”

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