Italy 24 Press News

Brothers of Italy takes sides: “Vote Renato Pittalis”

Of the fascination of the Brothers of Italy for the outgoing Mayor of Leinì, Renato Pittalis, we had already written in the past. But now it’s official, the party has given its vote indication: in the runoff on Sunday and Monday, Giorgia Meloni’s voters will have to choose Renato Pittalis (who will face the centre-left candidate, Luca Torella).

The rapprochement between Pittalis and the right began months ago.

We are moving – Fabrizio Bertot, provincial secretary of the Brothers of Italy, told us in February – nin the direction of support for the outgoing Mayor, Renato Pittalis. I know there will be some meetings in the area these days but the idea this is it and I believe it is that of the entire centre-right. Now we just need to understand the technicality: how to substantiate this support. Leinì’s reality is made up of civic lists and therefore, probably, there will be no centre-right symbols on the ballot but support for Renato Pittalis”.

Then things went differently with Francesco Vecchi’s candidacy for Mayor. After the first round, however, which saw the centre-right only finish third, it’s time to return to first love: Renato Pittalis.

And we arrive at the clear indication of the vote that appeared on Tuesday 18 June on the Facebook page of Fratelli d’Italia Leinì.

The first thought – the pomegranates write – must go towards abstentionism: before any political battle we must all commit ourselves to ensuring that citizens express their vote. Having made this fundamental premise, we are faced with a runoff and a choice must be made. Fratelli d’Italia wants to be clear: we will do our part as an opposition and we will continue with the project of creating a centre-right alternative. We will do it together with Francesco Vecchi, whom we would like to thank again for the human and political qualities that he has demonstrated. Having said this, in light of the ballot, our indication will be equally clear: the alignment of the outgoing mayor”.

Next Monday we will see if theendorsement of the right will bring votes to Pittalis who, at the moment, according to the results of the first round, he is seven points behind Luca Torella (supported by a broad centre-left coalition).

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