Italy 24 Press News

Inmates challenge magistrates in a football tournament in Taranto

TARANTO – The inmates will challenge the magistrates, but also the prison officers and lawyers, in the football quadrangular which will take place on Saturday 22 June, from 5.30 pm, on the grass of the Erasmo Iacovone stadium in Taranto. An event to conclude the ‘Fuori…gioco!’ project, now in its seventh edition and aimed at the re-education of prisoners through sport.

The tournament was presented in a press conference attended, as testimonials, by Roberto Donadoni, former AC Milan footballer and former coach of the Italian national team, and Renato Olive, former footballer, former captain of Perugia and Bologna, who on the same morning met the prisoners who will be involved in the initiative. Present, among others, were Giulio Destratis, president of Aps Fuorigioco, judge Rita Alessandra Romano, president of the national association of magistrates (Anm) Taranto section, chief inspector Domenico Madeo of the penitentiary police, the president of the Bar Association Vincenzo Di Maggio.

The project, organized by Aps Fuorigioco with the patronage of the Ministry of Justice, began in February and in recent months has seen various activities carried out in the prison of Taranto to promote the culture of legality and the values ​​of sport among prisoners. The didactic phase included a series of classroom lessons inside the prison, in which issues relating to gaming techniques and tactics, sports justice, civil and criminal aspects relating to sports practice, federal law were discussed. and sports traumatology

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