Italy 24 Press News

Arberia Calabria, San Cosmo Abanese soon twinned with Mirdita

The Mayor of San Cosmo Albanese, Damiano Baffaaccompanied on the occasion by the Commissioner of “Regional Institute for the Arbëreshe Community of Calabria” FoundationErnesto Madeo, by the territorial marketing expert, Valerio Caparelli, and by the Legal Advisor of the President of the Republic of Albania, Klement Zgurimet in Albania The Mayor of the City of Mirdita, Albert Melishyto institutionally launch a joint path aimed at promoting a next twinning between the two municipal administrations.

Revolving everything around the historical figure of Terenzio Tocciin Albanian Terenc Toçicitizen of Saint Cosmos Albanian who distinguished himself in Land of Eagles for patriotic activities before Albanian independence, a program of historical-cultural action and of territorial promotion of wide scope, together with a common project of socioeconomic development for the two communities.

The Albanian perspectives put forward and collected by the mayor of Mirdita and his closest collaborators are of a high level: Gjovalin MarfanaHead of Integration and European Projects; Artan LleshiCoordinator for the Diaspora; Julian VlashiDirector for Cultural Heritage and Tourism.

First of all I would like to thank the President of the Republic of Albania, HE Bajram Begajfor having supported and promoted my desire to twin with Mirdita, which I had been pursuing for some time – declared Mayor Baffa at the end of the bilateral meeting –to which the Commissioner of the Arbëreshe Foundation attached themselves with enthusiastic commitment, Ernesto Madeoprotagonist and driving force of this impetus for a new renaissance ofCalabrian arbëriaand the territorial marketing expert, Valerio Caparelliwho will provide a very useful professional contribution on the planning and promotional phase relating to what we have established in common intent with Mayor Melishy, ​​to whom I extend a heartfelt and warm thank you for the wonderful welcome he intended to extend to us”.

After the institutional meeting, held at the Mirdita Town Hallthe first Albanian citizen accompanied the Arbëreshe delegation on a guided tour of the suggestive museum Infokulla Mirditaled by the expert Nik Nikolliand at the Rubik’s Churchwhere he was waiting for the guests and narrating the historical importance of the religious site Dom Genç Çupipriest of the parish.

Soon, after having drawn up and signed a common programmatic document, we will move on to signing the friendship pact, with a double event that will take place first in San Cosmo Albanese And then to Albania: two appointments for a historic twinning, respectively punctuated by exciting moments of celebration and mutual knowledge.

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