Italy 24 Press News

Cheese, Italy is the third largest producer in Europe after Germany and France

In the last 6 years, the European cheese production And? grew by 6%. In 2023 inEuropean Union 9.6 million tonnes of cow’s milk cheese were produced (-0.3% on 2022). In this scenario theItaly – with 1.2 million tonnes and a 13% share of the total – is the third producerAfter Germany (2.5) e France (1.7). The data processed by thePwC Italia Research Office in anticipation of B2Cheesethe fair reserved for buyers and operators of the dairy supply chainscheduled for 25 and 26 September at the Bergamo Fair.

In 2023, the European Union produced 145 million tonnes of cow’s milk: 9%, equal to 13 million tonnes, came from Italy. The majority of European milk, 24.4%, is destined for the production of cheese, which is also the most exported dairy product, for a figure of 31.1 billion euros.

The dairy one and? a strategic sector for Made in Italy: in 2023 it achieved approximately 19 billion in turnoverof which 68% (around 13 billion), thanks to the cheeses. There are 57 cheeses with DOP and IGP denominations in the country, and they now consistently generate more? of 5 billion in turnover for volumes which, in 2023, reached 593 thousand tonnes (45% of the total cheese). More generally, they accounted for 26% of the economic value of all certified agri-food products in Italy (including wine), and 23% of their exports. The top two agri-food products by production value are Grana Padano DOP and Parmigiano Reggiano DOPwhich represent respectively 8.6% and 8.5% of all certified products (continued Gorgonzola, buffalo mozzarella from Campania, pecorino romano and Asiago).

The dairy sector in 2023 recorded a trade balance of +510 million euros mainly thanks to theexport, which recorded a turnover of 5.44 billion, of which almost 5 billion of cheeses alone, for a total of 599 million tonnes: in 2020 there were 463 tonnes, for a value of 3.11 billion. 71.1% of the export volume is? achieved intra-EU, growing share compared to 2022, in response to greater trade with France (23%), Germany (14%) and Spain (6%), and greater difficulties? in Canada, Japan and South Korea. Exports to Eastern Europe are also growing, having almost tripled in the last 10 years, driven mainly by Poland (+30% in value compared to 2022). The Chinese market also records good performances: it is the fifth non-EU destination for dairy exports.

On the other front, imports are growing, which in 2023 reached the value of 2.6 billion (593 million tonnes), of which 96.9% was? carried out intra-EU: in 2020 the tonnes were 489 million, for a value of 1.64 billion. Germany confirms its leadership with 45% of the total cheeses imported into Italy; particularly relevant and? the fresh cheese sector (including whey and dairy products) which represent over 50% of all German cheeses in our country. French cheeses are worth only a fifth of Italian cheese exports to France, for a total of 8%.

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