Italy 24 Press News

Entrance ticket for tourists to Verona? Nothing concrete

Piazza Bra. In the round the Verona councilor Marta Ugolini

The Veneto Region Tourism Councilor Federico Caner launched the idea of also evaluate the entrance ticket to the city in Veronaon the model of Venice. But the Municipal Administration does not consider this a valid solution.

«I don’t know that this is an idea in the pipeline for our citynor that anyone has officially suggested it. As an Administration we are working to improve flows and guarantee a better quality of life for residents», he specifies the Councilor for Culture and Tourism Marta Ugolini.

«It’s sad to note that information is circulating that does not correspond to reality» states the councilor. «Starting with the fact that there was no mention of a probable entry ticket for Verona at yesterday’s official occasion that is, at the preparatory table for the drafting of the Veneto Tourism Strategic Plan 2025-2027 in which the members of the control room, representatives and stakeholders of the sector participated. Then there is the given on the maximum threshold of tourists that Verona could hosta number that the university itself said it did not have never officially disclosedas the research group that is working on it has not yet calculated it.”

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«The administration’s position is that cities do not close – adds councilor Ugolini-. Applying an entry ticket for visitors similar to that of Venice also in Verona, if it were deemed feasible and appropriate for our city, would be practically impossible due to the presence of too many access points which would require as many safeguards».

«We believe that the approach according to which lowering the numbers of tourists corresponds to guaranteeing better quality of services has no rational basis, rather a reflection on the real problem of crowding that occurs in some sites and in particular periods of the year is needed. For Verona this is the case of Courtyard and Juliet’s House, for a definitive solution to which we are continuing the work started in recent months, or of some events that attract a greater number of tourists. We believe that the solution must be found in orienting tourists to the different areas of the city through a planning of the cultural and tourist offer that takes into account the balances at play and certainly not in the introduction of a ticket which would also be difficult to collect”.

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«One topic we are working on, regarding the tourism of the historic center, concerns the tourist locations» adds councilor Ugolini. «A topic that the administration has at heart and on which serious evaluations are being made and suitable solutions identified. We would really like, and this is what we are asking for in several Municipalities, to have a national law available that attributes real powers of intervention to the municipalities, to ensure the authenticity and real liveability of the historic centers through adequate regulations”.

Confcommercio on the same line

«Managing tourist flows yes, entrance tickets no». They say so president of Confcommercio Verona Paolo Arena and the president of Destination Verona & Garda Foundation Paolo Artelio regarding the mooted hypothesis of charging tourists for access to the city of Verona.

For the president of Confcommercio Verona, Arena, «beyond the operational difficulty of managing an entry ticket in a reality like Verona, a decision of this type should be shared, indeed it should start from the sector’s entrepreneurs, without being imposed from above. And almost all entrepreneurs are against it.”

«The goal of rationalize and raise the quality of tourism and the offer of our territory even by placing limits on the proliferation of rentals, it is acceptable – continues Arena – but it cannot be pursued with measures of this type which would have negative consequences on the image of the city, on entrepreneurial activity and, in the end, also on the economy”.

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Adds the president of Destination Verona & Garda Foundation Paolo Artelio: «Let’s start by saying that Verona does not suffer from overtourism. I’m not saying it but the data from the Verona Garda Tourist Observatory say it: in no period or season has the city had more demand than there was supply. The theme, if anything, is to work to avoid overcrowding phenomena, that is, enormous flows of tourists concentrated on visiting the same things in a very limited period».

«To do this – says Artelio – it is necessary to work on different levels and with different timing: a new narrative of the destination is necessary, to discover lesser-known places, experiences and attractions, it is necessary to make them accessible and easily bookable, just as it is necessary to work on the ability to work on dynamic tariffs that can rebalance flows, encouraging/discouraging use with marketing mechanisms. It is therefore a question of combining communication, promotional marketing and governance of attractors. In short, the reason why Dvg Foundation was born which is today a model not only for Veneto but also for other Italian destinations. In this journey of Verona city as a destination system, in line with councilor Ugolini, we are working on all this”.


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