Italy 24 Press News

Kicked and thrown into the sea in Bari, outrage on social media

“Are we letting these despicable beings grow?”

The video, reported by the Telegram channel “Baby gang and bullying emergency”, is sparking the indignation of many citizens, in which a boy is seen throwing a kick and causing a man to end up in the sea on the Bari seafront. The video has been shared initially on TikTok but was later removed from the platform. There were many condemnatory comments on social media: “Are we really letting despicable beings like these grow? And no one to intervene in the right way? I am truly saddened and deeply hurt by what I have just seen,” writes a user on Instagram.
“I also saw that terrible video that was filmed in the last few hours. – the Councilor for Welfare of the Municipality of Bari, Francesca Bottalico, told ANSA – I felt profound indignation and great anger at what happened on the Bari seafront. What I saw, what all those who were able to see the video came to my attention and is proof of a great collective defeat”. “A young boy – continues Bottalico – who throws into the sea, without worrying about the consequences, a person in evident difficulty probably with frailties, who walks with an uncertain step and is pushed with a kick, represents a general responsibility that has evidently been betrayed” . “I make an invitation – concludes the councilor – to anyone who has news of what happened: report this vile attack without fear. We as an institution will be there and as far as possible we will accompany and listen to this boy in the next few days. No one, here or elsewhere, should feel alone and defenseless.” At the moment there are no police interventions in the case.

inserted in News on 18 June 2024 at 18:18

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