Italy 24 Press News

“I want a combative team with multi-talented players”

The presentation of the new coach Massimiliano Pisciotta and his technical staff was held in the new location of the Andreazzoli Brothers’ Mazda dealership, Massese’s main sponsor.

“We carried out various surveys – explained general director Augusto Cantoni – but Pisciotta struck us first with his human and moral characteristics and then also with his way of playing football. His availability and humility are qualities that convinced us together with unity of intent that he has shown. With him we have already started planning the season and we have clear ideas. We have already closed with 5 or 6 players but we will communicate the names only when the lists open. Some of the confirmed ones are Cornacchia, we lost him but he is part of these new market dynamics where a player says yes and then a month later changes his mind perhaps under pressure from those who look after his interests.”

“Massa is a place you can’t say no to – explained the new coach who has several years behind him on the benches of Eccellenza e Promozione Toscana –. I arrive here aware that Massese cannot help but try to play a leading role in this championship. I want a combative team with multi-purpose players. I was a technical player who never held back. I would like a group that always gives 110 percent based on the players we will be able to sign but we have clear ideas in this sense. We expect some players to arrive who have already played with me in the past. Regarding last year, I don’t care much about what has been done starting from scratch. To have a high profile championship it will be necessary to maintain continuity throughout the season without being subject to ups and downs. I will try to keep the boys working calmly and it will be important that everyone is on the same side: fans, press, city. As for the staff, I immediately felt at ease and in complete harmony with Greg, Michael and Roberto and it was automatic to choose to work with them.”

Michael Gabrielli has been confirmed as assistant coach as has Giacomo Gregoli as athletic trainer. The new entries are the goalkeeping coach Roberto Pardini, a thoroughbred from Massa with a lot of experience in the role, and the team manager Giovanna Santi.

Gianluca Bondielli

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