Italy 24 Press News

Mimmo Toscano presents himself to the city of Catania: “We want to do important things”

The long-awaited white smoke arrived in the last few hours: Mimmo Toscano will coach Catania next season. Now there is also the ritual officiality. A two-year contract with an option for a further year is the basis of the agreement with the top management of the Rossazzurra club who have called the usual press conference for the presentation of the new technical guide of the Etna team for this afternoon. The occasion was a good one not only to get to know the coach better, but also to discuss the future of the club both from a sporting point of view and from the point of view of general programming.

“It’s an important day for me. I thank everyone for their trust – began Mimmo Toscano -. It’s an honor to coach Catania, such a glorious club. The thing I can promise is work. There will be good moments and others less but we have to we all want to do important things for this city and for this club. I’m starting a new adventure and I’m sure it will be full of satisfaction. We will have to pass it on to the players on the pitch we are working to ensure that it is a year of maximum commitment. Catania is not a Serie C club but a high level one. I have met the people of Catania everywhere, 15,000 season ticket holders in D and Serie C are seen in few contexts.”

“Human values ​​are important for us. So we will be very careful in our evaluations – explains the Catania coach -. The team must have a strong mentality. In moments of difficulty you must be strong to react and achieve important results. I don’t look back , what was done in Cesena will remain in history and now I want to think about Catania. I love challenges and for me this square is a fascinating challenge and it is the only thing I have found in the years won the championship. I want to improve in every match. With the director we only talked about the characteristics of the team.

“Catania is a city that gives you a lot. In these two days we only talked about Sant’Agata and Catania. I understood how much they care about these two things – declared Toscano -. We will be the architects of the destiny of this club and Let’s hope that Sant’Agata will give us a hand. Pressure is nice, it gives you adrenaline. Those who live from this profession, from adrenaline and passion, need places like this. I wouldn’t talk about pressure but about the responsibility and honor of representing a city like Catania. You must always have responsibility even when you win and if you lose solutions must be found. I am a man from the South, I demand a lot from others and from myself. I may appear gruff on the pitch I’m very helpful: I give a lot to those who give me a lot. I rely a lot on my players. I believe in interpersonal relationships which then make your work easier on the pitch. If that chemistry is created, it’s perfect . The most difficult thing is to get out of this category. Catania must be the priority for everyone: the self must be put before the good of the team.”

“Every time I started working in new contexts – comments Toscano -, I hoped that people would fall in love: it means leaving your mark regardless of victory. I want the fans to fall in love with this club


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