Italy 24 Press News

Workshop on economic research at the University of Udine

The financialization of the economy, the environment, technology and the relationship between communication and economic policy choices. These are just some of the topics that will be at the center of the international workshop on the main developments in economic research, which will be held at the University of Udine on 20 and 21 June.

The event, which will take place starting from 9.30 am in room 3 of Palazzo Antonini, in via Petracco 8will see the participation of around fifteen scholars from universities in Austria, Canada, France, Italy, Norway, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and Spain.

The meeting, which takes place annually, is promoted by “Central European Program in Economic Theory” (Cepet), an economic theory study center founded in 1999 by economists Giulio Codognato of the University of Udine And Nick Baigent of the London School of Economics.

Cepet is concerned with the promotion of economic theory in Europe, with particular attention to Central Europe. The current president of Cepet is Ludovic Julien of the Université Paris Ouest Nanterre la Défense.

The workshop proceedings will open with greetings from Marcellino Gaudenzi, director of the Department of Economic Sciences and Statistics of the University of Udine. The workshop will then be coordinated by the Cepet scientific committee, made up of the department’s teachers Francesca Busetto, Giulio Codognato, Clara Graziano, Flavio Pressacco and Simone Tonin.

The event represents an important opportunity for discussion and dialogue between scholars of different nationalities and skills, offering an overview of the most recent theoretical and practical developments in the field of economics. Participants will have the opportunity to discuss current and future challenges facing the discipline, exploring new research directions and methodologies.

Among the topics covered, the financialisation of the economy will be at the center of numerous interventions, analyzing how financial markets influence the real economy and the implications for economic stability. L’environment and sustainability will be other key topics, with discussions on how economic policies can help mitigate climate change and promote sustainable development.

Technology and its interaction with the economy will be another focal point of the workshop, exploring how technological innovation is transforming the labor market, productivity and international trade. Finally, the relationship between communication and economic policy choices will be examined, considering the importance of transparency and trust in the decision-making process.

In conclusion, the international workshop atUniversity of Udine is proposed as an event of significant importance for the academic community and for political decision-makers, offering food for thought and new perspectives to face the economic challenges of the future.

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