Italy 24 Press News

Fiumicino, “Fire alarm” at Piazzale Mediterraneo

Fiumicino, 18 June 2024 – “Fire alarm”: a massive exercise took place recently in Fiumicino Coast Guard, with i Firefighters and the Italian Red Cross, near Piazzale Mediterraneo. It was about a fire drill in the port area, aimed at testing the rescue machine in case of emergency. The police and local police were also present on site.

Simulations, not only of fire, but all those that fall within the scope of rescue interventions, are fundamental for safety. Today’s event was, in particular, the simulation of a fire in the port area which saw a joint intervention. Prevention is, in fact, fundamental as in the case of a fire in a port or on a vessel, for exampler test and improve prevention and response protocols in the event of a fire.

In the event of a fire in a port area, there is the risk of significant damage to structures, goods and above all jeopardizing the lives of workers and users. The drills train staff to effectively handle emergencies. To reduce risks and damage, a rapid and effective response by trained personnel can significantly limit damage to people, property and the environment. The exercises allow you to test and refine the intervention procedures.

In port emergencies it is essential coordination between emergency services (Coast Guard, Fire Brigade, Law Enforcement, etc.). The exercises consolidate this operational synergy. Fire drills in this area are, therefore, a crucial element to guarantee safety, regulatory compliance and response capacity in the event of an emergency, with the aim of preventing accidents and limiting damage.

Fiumicino, “Fire alarm” at Piazzale Mediterraneo

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