Italy 24 Press News

Andria – “South, love and rights”: the cultural event organized by the Rotary Castelli Svevi

On Thursday evening, 13 June 2024, the event entitled “South, love and rights”organized by Rotary Club Andria Castelli Svevi in collaboration with the same institute.

The evening, moderated by Stefano Procaccisaw the participation of numerous illustrious guests, including the writer Leonardo Trionedirector Michele Pinto and the actor Mingo De Pasqualeoffering an experience rich in culture, art and entertainment for the large audience present.

A book of great importance presented during the event was “The women of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” by Enrica Simonetti.

The work tells the story of eight extraordinary women who contributed to the drafting of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, signed on 10 December 1948. The Andria Castelli Svevi Rotary Club donated copies of the book to schools, promoting human rights education among young students.

Published by Manni Editori, it was enthusiastically welcomed in the Rotary International 2120 district, under the leadership of Governor Vincenzo Sassanelli, with his assistant Massimo Cassanelli who spoke extensively to the audience about this project.

Then space for short film “Love Counts”, directed by Mauro Dalsogno, with Mingo De Pasquale in the role of a psychologist. The short addresses the theme of emotional dependence and pathological relationships, raising young people’s awareness of these problems.

The President of the Rotary Club Andria Castelli Svevi, Lilla Brunoand the District Governor Vincenzo Sassanelli they sponsored the initiative, highlighting the importance of educating the new generations about healthy and conscious love.

Then during the evening, the young people Anna Zagaria And Stefano Procacci they recounted their Rotarian experiences, respectively in the RYLA and Rotary Road To Your Job projects, which saw them involved in the month of April, thus respecting the Rotarian concept of “returning” experiences.

Leonardo Trione presented his book “Educating in love today”, a work that explores the concept of spousal love as a gift of the person, in a fusion of soul and body. Based on the themes of the “theology of the body” treated by John Paul II, Trione proposes a step-by-step path of education in love, adapted to contemporary society that lives in the era of “everything at once”. Trione, an expert in psychology and director of the Family Listening Center in Bisceglie, has already published other significant texts such as “Educating for Love” (2011) and “The healing of the wounded family” (2021).

The evening also included the screening of the short film “Abulivia”, directed by Michele Pinto, a film adaptation of the theater show of the same name by Francesco Tammacco. The film, produced in 2022, explores the theme of the migration of young people from Southern Italy, forced to leave their homeland in search of better opportunities.

Pinto, a director and editor with extensive experience in multimedia productions, is known for his interest in comics and for the use of innovative teaching methodologies such as Affective Globalism.

An evening to remember, in which art, culture and Rotarianism blended perfectly, just a few weeks before the end of the current association year.

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