Italy 24 Press News

L’Aquila, a level car park in viale Duca degli Abruzzi

A level car park will be created in Viale Duca degli Abruzzi in L’Aquila: no more multi-storey car park, as the Tempesta administration had foreseen in 2005. The project financing has been cancelled.

A level car park in Viale Duca degli Abruzzi, near the Church of San Silvestro. This is the project of Municipality of L’Aquilafor which it was however necessary to first terminate the agreement with a private company, dating back to October 2008, concerning a project financing of a multi-storey car park, through the concession of surface rights, for approximately 140 parking spaces. In the council resolution in which the agreement is resolved, the phases of the story are retraced.

As reported The centerthe previous project for a multi-storey car park dates back to 2005, when the Municipality was leading Biagio Tempesta And “in the three-year program of public works 2005-2007, the construction of a public car park in viale Duca degli Abruzzi – San Silvestro was included, to be built with project financing”. So a private company had presented its project proposal which the council, in May 2007, had declared “feasible and in the public interest”. A few months later, in December 2007, the tender was announced and definitively awarded in May of the following year. Since the proposal also provided for the assignment of surface rights of the sitethe word passed to Town Council: the assize approved the granting of the right in September 2008. The earthquake then changed things and the project ended up forgotten. Now, the current municipal administration has decided to change the project, providing for the allocation of 474,139 euros for works for the creation of level parking in the historic centre, including the intervention for redevelopment, water regulation and improvement of the safety conditions of the car park in Viale Duca degli Abruzzi, near the church of San Silvestro”.
The areas subject to the intervention coincide with those granted in surface rights to the private sector in 2008, for this reason it was necessary to cancel the previous agreement, to ensure that the Municipality once again has full availability of the area concerned and can, so, proceed with the work.

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