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The Regional Council between Abruzzo DOP Arrosticino and the L’Aquila customs office downgraded

The DOP Abruzzo arrosticino to protect a typical product of our region, but also to give an economic boost to the supply chain. Fears for the L’Aquila customs office. These are among the topics that the bodies of the Regional Council will deal with on 18 June.

The Abruzzo arrosticino road, the DOP denomination

On Tuesday 18 June, the Agriculture Commission of the Regional Council will discuss how to enhance the Arrosticino d’Abruzzo as a typical product. The recognition of the PDO (Protected Designation of Origin) mark is required by a resolution of Massimo Verrecchia, group leader of the Brothers of Italy. To the Capital Verrecchia explains that “we need to institutionalize a product from our region, a form of official and quality protection is missing even if in other regions the arrosticino is clearly identified with Abruzzo”.

The hearings of the president of Confagricoltura Abruzzo will take place in the Commission, Fabrizio Lobeneby the director of Confagricoltura L’Aquila, Stefano Fabriziof the president of the regional association of Arrosticino d’Abruzzo producers, Alessandro Di Paoloby Lorenzo Verrocchio (Regional Association of Arrosticino Producers of Abruzzo) and the director of Coldiretti L’Aquila, Domenico Roselli.

For Verrecchia, if it should be noted “that non-Abruzzo meats, even from abroad, are often used, we clearly find ourselves in a situation in which demand is too much higher than supply and we must consider the circumstance that other regions they have sometimes obtained this recognition without the presence of the element of the raw material of the territory”. We therefore want to leverage the tradition and territorial specificity of the processing.

The approval of the resolution would only be a first step, but an important one, as it would constitute an indication of direction to the Regional Council. In any case, the final response would be up to the European Union. The discussion on 18 June will also potentially serve to adjust the focus on the issue of the origin of the raw material: Verrecchia is already hypothesizing, to address at least in part the proclaimed scarcity, of including the meat from the transhumance routes. “The important thing in any case – he says – is to protect the product ‘made in Abruzzo’, the origin of our region. Re-evaluating and enhancing traditions is not just a symbolic exercise, as in this case, it also means giving an incentive to the supply chain to strengthen itself, from which a positive economic outcome can arise”.

The risks for the L’Aquila customs office

Another important issue will be dealt with, again on 18 June, by the Regional Council, in this case through the Conference of Group Leaders (called at 12pm), which through the hearings of trade unionists Marco Bono And Roberto Sansonetto will examine, at the instigation of the councilor Pierpaolo Pietruccithe case of “downgrading of the customs office of the city of L’Aquila and consequent weakening which would affect the Abruzzo region”. The issue was also at the center of attention of the municipal council of the capital city, and concerns a reorganization of the offices of the customs agency in the Abruzzo territory from which L’Aquila and Abruzzo risk being penalized.

The other topics and other scheduled discussions

The Conference of Group Leaders will also discuss the economic situation of the “Società Cooperativa San Rocco” and the maintenance of welfare and rehabilitation services in the relevant territories.

It will be preceded, at 10am, by the joint session of the Budget (First), Territory and Infrastructure (Second), Health and Work (Fifth) Commissions. The bill proposed by the councilors is being examined by the Commissioners Lorenzo Sighs and Verrecchia, “Provisions on urban planning and transport, culture and information, regulations and extensions. Amendments to regional laws nn.58/2023, 10/2011, 46/2013, 20/2023, 53/2023, 91/1994, 37/2020, 1/2021, 2/2022, 46/2023 and 4/2024” . The Directors of the regional Departments will be heard for the parts within their competence. This is, the same Fratelli d’Italia group leader explains to the capital, an adaptation of rules “that pertain to the functioning of the Region”.

Finally, at 2.30 pm, the Third Commission “Agriculture, economic development and productive activities” will meet in an extraordinary session. In addition to the discussion on Verrecchia’s resolution on the Abruzzo arrosticino, the administrative measure initiated by the Regional Council on the “Adoption of the Regional Fish Charter” will be examined. The councilor will be heard on this point Emanuele Imprudentethe director of the Agriculture Department, Elena Sicothe manager of the Agricultural Specialist Support Service, Antonella Gabini.

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