Italy 24 Press News

Caltanissetta weather, the forecast for tomorrow Wednesday 19 June

The forecast for Wednesday 19 June a Caltanissetta show variable conditions throughout the day. In the morning, the sky will be overcast with cloud cover reaching 97% around 9 am. Temperatures will be high, with values ​​exceeding +33°C. In the afternoon, the sky will remain overcast with temperatures remaining around +36°C. During the evening, cloud cover will decrease by up to 1% with temperatures around +26°C.

In the early hours of the day, give 00:00 to 05:00, the sky will be characterized by scattered clouds and a few clouds with temperatures between +20°C and +22.8°C. Wind speed will be light, with gusts not exceeding 6km/h. Humidity will be around 52%.

During the morninggive her 06:00 to 12:00, the sky will be overcast with cloud cover reaching 98% around 10 am. Temperatures will gradually increase until they exceed +37°C. Wind speed will be moderate, with gusts reaching up to 21.3km/h.

In the afternoongive her 1pm to 5pmthe sky will remain overcast with cloud cover that will remain around 100% around 1pm. Temperatures will remain around +36°C with a decrease in wind speed compared to the morning.

During the eveninggive her 6pm to 11pm, the sky will clear of clouds, with cloud cover dropping to 1% around 7 pm. Temperatures will gradually decrease until reaching +23.4°C. Wind speed will be light, with gusts not exceeding 5.7km/h.

Based on forecast for the next few days to Caltanissetta, an improvement in atmospheric conditions is expected with clear skies and temperatures that will remain high. However, it is advisable to pay attention to high temperatures, especially during the central hours of the day.

All the weather data for Wednesday 19 June in Caltanissetta

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