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Social commitment and communication: beware of the danger of socialwashing

Milan, 17 June. (askanews) – There are more and more communication campaigns that propose positive messages on social issues. Companies thus rely on showing themselves engaged in civil growth actions to promote their brand, if not directly specific products. However, using social issues in an instrumental way exposes them to very high risks, and not only of a reputational nature.

This is what is analyzed in “Pericolo Socialwashing”, the latest essay by Rossella Sobrero, who has been dealing with communication for many years, combining consultancy with the activity of a teacher and essayist and her commitment to the Promoter Group of “il Salone della CSR and social innovation”.

“In this period, a lot of work is being done on the ‘S’ of ESG issues – says Rossella Sobrero, professor, among other commitments, of ‘Social and Institutional Communication’ at the State University of Milan and of ‘Unconventional Marketing’ at the Cattolica, also in Milan – Many companies are investing in social issues by trying to engage their audiences, who can also be internal such as employees, underlining the commitment that the company has in contributing to improving people’s quality of life. This is not an absolute novelty, but now we need to understand to what extent the use of ‘feelings’, as we have seen in some cases, is correct and from what point onwards it is no longer correct. The problem is also one of balance between taking a position on a major social issue and business activity or overall behavior which cannot be out of tune with the good cause being supported”.

But the growing number of companies that focus on social issues in communication suggests that this is still an advantageous strategy. “No, it is not a winning lever if there is no coherent behavior behind it – continues Sobrero – Today people are much more critical and distrustful, and consequently the risks deriving from having too much distance between what is declared and ‘Act. We must avoid the risk of telling a lot, even in a fascinating and engaging way, and doing little.”

To enrich the analyzes of “Pericolo Socialwashing” there is also a collection of interviews conducted by the author with twenty authoritative figures who offer different points of view on socialwashing and on the developments that this practice could have in the future.

The central point of the work remains the analysis of strategies to prevent and avoid the danger itself.

“I think the most original part of the work is the one I dedicated to what stakeholders can do to help the company not make mistakes, so as not to be accused of ‘socialwashing’ – concludes the author – We are used to thinking about what the company does for its stakeholders, but we almost never think about the opposite path: what the employee, the supplier, the bank can do to urge the company to tell the truth and highlight the projects carried out, the improvements made, the impacts generated, but also those not achieved”.

“Danger Socialwashing – Communicating social commitment between opportunities and risks” – this is the full title of the volume – is published by Egea for the “Busine” series -sociale-e-communication-attention-al-Pericolo-Socialwashing.jpg 617_video_11440436|vd01 vd68| -Pericolo-Socialwashing.jpg|17/06/2024 12:29:06|Social commitment and communication: attention to the Socialwashing Danger|Video|Economy, Videonews]

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