Italy 24 Press News

Migrants, double tragedy off the coast of Calabria and Sicily: over 70 dead or missing

Ten migrants died on a boat leaving Libya. One victim and around 60 missing in a shipwreck off the coast of Calabria


A fifty people, including 26 children, was missing following the capsizing on Tuesday of a boat loaded with migrants almost two hundred kilometers from the coast of Calabria.

There were twelve survivors rescued by the Coast Guard and taken to Roccella Jonica. According to testimonies from some of them, there are more than 66 missing. The searches are underway.

The boat it left Turkey eight days ago and halfway there it had started to take in water. The budget is at least one confirmed victim so farbut it is feared that the missing people, many of whom are Afghan nationals, have drowned.

In Calabria the memory of the massacre of February 2023 is still alive, when a boat sank a few kilometers from the coast killing 94 migrants.

At least 10 victims in another shipwreck between Libya and Sicily

Also on Tuesday a ship has rescue51 people south of Lampedusa,** aboard a wooden boat that left Libya. In this shipwreck, there were at least ten deaths, the report said NGO ResQship.

The ship is still in the search and rescue area off Libya Ocean Viking of the NGO SOS Mediterranee rescued 54 migrants from a dinghy in the same hours.

According to the UN agencies for migrants, refugees and children, in 2024 there will already be over 800 dead and missing in the central Mediterranean, an average of five per day.

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