Italy 24 Press News

CasaAutonomia “opens” in Trentino in Action: “Collaboration that can continue. At the center is political reasoning with a territorial scope, starting from Trento”

TRENT. The administrative offices of Trento as an “appointment” where we can propose a collaboration that becomes increasingly more structural while respecting the identities of the two different movements. Self Trentino in Action in recent days had extended its hand towards the Movement (HERE THE ARTICLE)today the prompt response arrived from entrusted to a statement signed by secretary Michele Dallapiccola and from provincial councilor Paola Demagri. It clearly emerges from the text that the conditions for sharing “a political reasoning with a Trentino feel” they are all there: “The experience of collaboration with Trentino in Action, particularly similar due to their mutual position in the constitutional arc, could continue: it will be the assembly of our members that will evaluate the invitation to debate launched by the Trentino board in Action”.

The confirmation that the proposal is of value already comes from the two main minority forces to which and Trentino in Action are connected. PD And Base campin fact, they wanted to positively grasp the outstretched hand of the VerdeBlu party to their coalition colleagues, in part almost presenting themselves as potential landing places and they openly declared this in the press. But upon closer inspection the path already routed between Action And HomeAutonomy with the Europeans (which they saw anyway Raphaels be more voted in Trentino than the leader Calendar) can only continue positively.

“Of course – adds the councilor of the Paola Demagri movement claiming a claim to centrist identity compared to the rest of the coalition -, especially in the council setting, there is no shortage of distinctions: it cannot be taken for granted that all positions taken and political acts are the result of collegial work. More and more often, while fully respecting mutual sensitivities, Casa feels fully entitled to validate the work in the classroom with highly identifying voting expressions”. Also because Trentino in Action “brings forward discussions also of a national profile which are only partially of interest to us at”.

“But there is also a second and no less important aspect that a provincial movement like ours may be interested in: that party could represent a natural and indispensable Roman connection. The very strong polarization of the vote also heavily nationalizes local politics. And a self-respecting autonomist party cannot sit helplessly in power. Last but not least, an indispensable fact. wants and will remain loyal to its symbol and to the values ​​of progressive autonomy reported in our statute. Without these guarantees, any proposal for collaboration with other political movements will find it very difficult to find favor with the assembly. Which could instead approve forms of collaboration, all to be developed and specified with other political movements, especially if we were talking about relationships with conditions of variable geometry depending on the various challenges that will arise in the near future. Let’s think for example of the city of Trento, in its next electoral appointment in 2025”.

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