Italy 24 Press News

Nargi to Gengaro: «He is the one who runs away from the confrontation about the city, I have always answered all the questions»

«The centre-left candidate for mayor, Antonio Gengaro, never misses an opportunity to demonstrate what we have been saying since the beginning: he has no intention of discussing the issues and proposals for the development and future of Avellino. Maybe out of fear, or maybe because, unlike us, he doesn’t have a real government program on his side. Personally, I have answered questions relating to the ongoing investigations into the Municipality of Avellino during all the interviews I have given so far and in dozens of public outings. We do not run away from any question; it is he who is clearly fleeing from the nightmare of a confrontation on the merits of the city’s issues.”

This is what the candidate for mayor of the civic coalition made up of “We are Avellino”, “Really” and “Viva la Libertà” declares. Laura Nargito clarify yet another attack and yet another exploitation of Gengaro, this time with respect to the public confrontation that was being organised.

«By accepting his invitation and asking that the confrontation take place in Piazza Libertà – recalls Nargi – we had highlighted the need for the main city agora not to be transformed, out of respect for the ongoing investigations and the judiciary, into the unlikely court in which trials could be held summaries. Stating, as Gengaro does, that we wanted to choose the questions for the discussion is serious and offensive, and belongs to his vulgar language, as usual disrespectful of a civil democratic dialectic.

But that’s it. Fortunately, we will have the opportunity to discuss things again, as has already happened in several places in the city and on several topics, and just as we will do on Wednesday morning on Rai, in a long double interview for the national public service. – highlights the candidate for mayor again –

Gengaro must stop conjuring up conspiracies and carrying out frontal attacks which hide the emptiness of the proposal and the inability to talk about the things to be done to the people of Avellino. This style and these arguments have already bored the people of Avellino and they will notice it at the polls.

I also extend my heartfelt thanks to the president of the Journalists’ Association, Ottavio Lucarelli, who informed me of his unavailability to hold the discussion and who had initially been called into question by Gengaro himself.” – concludes Nargi –

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