Italy 24 Press News

Taranto, the San Cataldo hospital will be ready by December 31st. Perrini: «When is the first patient?»

They will finish on December 31st works for the construction of the next new San Cataldo hospital in Taranto. This is what emerged today during the hearings in Budget commission of the Regional Council of Puglia.

The construction site is at 94% and the final works are being carried out.

The president of the Health Commission, Vincenzo Di Gregorio (Pd), highlights that «they are currently present on the construction site 250 units and 30 technicians engaged in the execution of finishing works. It’s about an impressive work that the Ionian community has been waiting for for years. A big intervention with big numbers: a surface area of ​​260 thousand square metres; structure on 4 levels; 715 beds; 70 clinics; 28 diagnostic rooms; 19 operating rooms; 2,300 parking spaces; a heliport. We are now at final lines for the creation of a structure that will finally rebalance the health deficiencies from which the Ionian territory suffers”.

Perrini: «Work completed late. When the first patient”

The vice-president of the Health commission, the regional councilor of Fratelli d’Italia, is more critical Renato Perriniwhich underlines how the work has been concluded «years behind schedule» and that the closure of the construction site will not mean «that from January 1st 2025 the hospital will host the first patient, it means that the company that built the structure will give us the keys, of an empty structure».

Perrini explains that «for months if not years I have been urging the Department and the Department of Health to provide not only the contracts necessary for the operation including those of the security guard and the canteen (which are also essential for the opening!), but also the organization of work (are the health and non-health workers of Santissima Annunziata enough?). The risk – he concludes – is that, then, after the delivery date you don’t have to wait months to see the first patient being treated in the new hospital»

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