Italy 24 Press News

Riot in Benevento prison, Riesame releases and cancels order for Romualdo Del Mauro

The Court of Review of Naples has canceled the precautionary custody order against Romualdo Del Mauro, 29 years old, from Montesarchio. Accepting the arguments presented by the lawyer Vittorio Fucci, the court decided to release the young man, who had been accused of a series of serious crimes.

On May 19, 2024, Benevento prison was the scene of a violent riot. A group of ten prisoners orchestrated organized chaos, preventing the closing of the main gate to allow other prisoners to escape from the cells. Prison police officers were blocked and threatened, preventing them from intervening effectively to quell the riots. During the riot, inmates used iron bars to devastate the police station and damage various structures and objects inside the prison.

The riot had dramatic consequences: two officers were injured and required medical treatment at the emergency room of the “San Pio” hospital. Additionally, rioters attempted to start a fire by using a lit stove and placing a gas cylinder nearby, with the intent of causing an explosion.

Following the events, on 22 May 2024, a precautionary order was issued against Romualdo Del Mauro and the other prisoners involved. Del Mauro’s charges included violence, resisting a public official, injury, threats, aggravated damage and attempted arson.

However, the Court of Review of Naples accepted the request of the lawyer Vittorio Fucci, who presented a convincing defense for his client. The court considered the lawyer’s arguments valid and therefore decided to cancel the precautionary custody order, decreeing Del Mauro’s release.

Expert in Diplomatic and International Law. He has worked in the world of publishing and communication for over 30 years. He was representative of local publishers in FIEG, Administrator of Canale 10 and General Director of the Centro Stampa srl ​​company. An attentive connoisseur of the Caserta reality.

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