Italy 24 Press News

Reclamation, the decision-making conference on June 26: Giammiglione reappears?

The decision-making services conference on the reclamation of the former industrial area of ​​Crotone was convened on Wednesday 26 June at 10.30 am, at the headquarters of the Ministry of the Environment. At the center of the table we will try to overcome the stalemate phase in which the Reclamation Operational Plan phase 2 has stalled: Eni Rewind – the company that must carry out the operations – as is now well known, pushes so that the waste – once extrapolated from the areas – remain in Crotone, and are not taken out of the region – as indicated by the PAUR – Single Regional Authorization Provision – of 2019. The services conference will serve precisely this: to modify the POB phase two or not.

In recent weeks, the hypothesis of a waste transfer with Tenorm within the Columbra landfill owned by Sovreco spa had also emerged – but at the moment – due to internal issues within the Vrenna brothers’ company – there has been no response on the reception or less than poisons. But from the convocation of the conference on 26 June, a detail emerged: the hazardous waste landfill and not the Giammiglione area is being brought into play. The structure does not exist even though the Maio Guglielmo srl company has been trying to build it for about 15 years. This plant has returned “afloat” as the same company – we read in the MASE summons – “has sent a document relating to the construction of the plant in the Giammiglione area, proposed by the Company itself, given the note dated 21 May 2024, acquired in given by the Ministry of the Environment”. Therefore, the landfill had gone out the door, but it could come back in through the window and – therefore – it could be the plant that would receive the waste from the reclamation by Eni Rewind.

At the moment they are only conjectures, but there has been no lack of reactions from politics and trade unions: the provincial secretary of the PD, Leo Barberio, speaks of the “perfect murder of Crotone”, pointing the finger at the recent adoption of the new Regional Waste Plan from part of the Calabria Region and the request for variation of the POB Phase 2 which opens a gap for the construction of a new landfill. “The only solution to protect Crotone is to modify the Regional Waste Plan before June 26th” – say the dems who are on a war footing: “If the decision-making conference of services on June 26th were to approve the changes to the POB phase 2 leaving the waste in Crotone – they write in a note – we will proceed through legal channels” by presenting an “appeal to the TAR”.

Regarding the Giammiglione hypothesis, mayor Vincenzo Voce dispels any doubts on social media: “To think that the Ministry is reopening the Giammiglione landfill is a hoax – says the mayor – For now the Region has rejected this hypothesis. Above all, on June 26th there will be no discussion of the landfill. It’s not on the agenda.”

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