Italy 24 Press News

Already six pieces for Varese. Mister Floris’ staff

After the first six announcements, the Varese market is preparing to get underwaybut what also takes center stage is the question of staff who will accompany Roberto Floris next season.

Even in this case the gaze can only go to Bragiven that the new coach has particular respect for Maurizio Provenzanohis deputy in Piedmont (UEFA B licence) as well as match analyst yellow Red (a figure that is missing in Varese). Certainly, barring sensational twists, he will no longer be among the red and whites Mario Fiorejust as he has already left Paolo Pacciarotti. For the role of goalkeeper coach a return to the past cannot be ruled out (Angelo Castelli, for example, had been spotted in the latest seasonal outings of the red and whites)but the company is also evaluating other profiles.

They should not change, however, nor the athletic trainer nor the physiotherapist: the excellent work of Luigi Pasquillo And Simone Bestetti it certainly hasn’t gone unnoticed and the company seems intent on doing so renew trust in both. Furthermore, both Pasquillo and Bestetti were present on the sidelines of the press conference to present Floris and Montanaro, at the end of which they spoke with the coach. In the next few days, in parallel with other market news, official information could arrive on the staff side.

Matteo Carraro

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