Italy 24 Press News

Treviso, work begins on the new sewerage system in the historic center: Viale D’Alviano closed for a month | Today Treviso | News

TREVISO – Starting in the north-west district of historic center of Treviso the works for the construction of 3.2 kilometers of sewerage network and the renovation of 3.2 kilometers of aqueduct network. The work will serve an area where approximately one thousand inhabitants live and where there are five schools which will thus be able to connect to the municipal purification plant.

The intervention develops in the area between the walls and via Battisti, Cantarane and Panciera and mainly involves the separation of the current mixed sewer system. The existing pipes will be used for storm sewerage only, and new pipes will be laid for black sewerage. The works also include the reconstruction of the aqueducts. Finally, the necessary connections with the users and with the currently existing aqueduct and sewerage systems will be created. The works for the construction of the sewage system and the aqueduct will affect some streets of the neighbourhood, in particular: Viale D’Alviano, Via Caccianiga, Borgo Cavour, Via Cantarane, Musa di S. Teonisto, Via Sauro, Via Filzi, Via Giacomelli, Via Pastro, Via San Liberale, Via Panciera, Varco Frà Giocondo and Via Chiesa, pfor a total investment of 3.6 million euros.

The works will last approximately a year And they will start from Viale D’Alviano and then move along the other streets affected by the project with traffic restrictions which will try to have as little impact as possible on local roads. The objective of the intervention is to collect the waste water coming from the western quadrant of the historic center of Treviso in a unitary and rational way through a black sewerage network that reflects the current standards of efficiency and quality for disposal. Instead of being discharged onto the waterways of the city centre, the collected water will be conveyed into the existing network in the northern part of the municipality of Treviso, connected to the centralized purification plant in via Pavese, thus increasing the quality guarantees of the waterways local water.

The main objectives are: the separation of the sewerage system in the intervention area: the construction of new pipelines and the connection of utilities to a single and controlled sewerage network are necessary works both to improve the service offered to citizens and to protect quality of the waters of the watercourses; the decommissioning of existing private treatment and purification plants: the connection to the public network and the delivery of wastewater to the municipal purification plant allows greater control of the flow rates and quality of the treated water, improving the hygienic and health conditions of the city and the ecosystem; the connection of the sewage sewage system to a suitable receptor, far from the town centre; an improvement of the rainwater network: the project works also include the localized arrangement of these pipes in some critical points, the demolition of the existing collector in via Panciera and the replacement with a new PVC pipe; the reconstruction of the aqueduct network: by exploiting the same excavation it is also possible to renovate the aqueduct network in order to reduce any existing losses and minimize the probability of faults or interventions necessary on the network in the short and medium term. It is planned to reuse the same complementary works of the existing network. Therefore, manholes, vents and connections for hydrants are kept as such and connected to the new pipes. Furthermore, two new street hydrants will be built in via Borgo Cavour and in via Mura S. Teonisto. Appropriate connections are set up near the homes. Both in the case of the sewerage network and in the case of the aqueduct network, connections will be set up from scratch. As regards the new sewage system, they will be placed in public property, on the edge of the border with private property, and latest generation meters will also be installed.

“We are talking about interventions of historic importance for our city – the words of mayor Mario Conte – In terms of environmental sustainability it is probably one of the most important works ever carried out in our city, which will allow not only to limit water dispersion but also to extend the sewerage network, with enormous benefits in environmental terms. I thank Alto Trevigiano Servizi which is carrying out an important project together with the Public Works Sector both from an investment and technical point of view and on which we are counting a lot, also using the latest technologies. in order to optimize the intervention and guarantee citizens the best possible service”.

“This work also confirms ATS’s commitment to extending the sewerage network and making the aqueduct system more efficient throughout the managed territory – explains the president of ATS, Fabio Vettori – With the project of the north-west district of the historic center the intention is to extend the network of municipal sewerage and bringing it to an area without this important service and creating a water line capable of guaranteeing better distribution of drinking water in homes but also in the 5 schools in the area will benefit the citizens but also the environment.” .

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