Italy 24 Press News

streets without water June 20, 2024

Acquedotto Pugliese technicians are at work in Bari, in the Poggiofranco district, for interventions which concern, in particular, the creation of a strategic connection of two main water pipes for the city’s water supply, in Via Madre Teresa di Calcutta.

To allow the execution of the works, AQP has announced that it will be necessary to temporarily suspend the normal water supply on 20 June 2024 in the town of Bari in the following streets: Viale Luigi De Laurentis, Via Giulio Petroni from Via Gandhi to the intersection with the Bari ring road, Via Camillo Rosalba from Via Madre Teresa di Calcutta to the intersection with the Bari ring road, Viale Beato Josemaria Escriva, Via Orfeo Mazzitelli, Via Rodolfo Redi, Via Edmondo Cuccari, Via Enrico Pappacena, Via Giuseppe Posca, Piazzetta Nilde Iotti, Via Nicola Angelini, Via Salvatore Matarrese, Via Renato Dell’Andro, Via Michele Mitolo, Via Matteo Calvario, Via Antonio Lucarelli, Stradella Cannaruto, Viale Giuseppe Bartolo, Via Nicola Dell’Andro, Via Angelo Bassi, Via Don Luigi Guanella, Piazzale Mater Ecclesiae, Via Papa Giovanni Paolo I, Via Aurelio Carrante, Viale Saverio Dioguardi, Via Santi Cirillo e Methodisto, Via San Tommaso D’Aquino, Stradella del Caffè, Via Vitantonio Di Cagno.

In the surrounding areas, drops in pressure could occur. The suspension will last 12 hours, starting from 08:00 with reinstatement at 20:00.

“Discomfort – explains Aqp – will be felt exclusively in buildings without an autoclave and water reserve or with insufficient storage capacity. Acquedotto Pugliese recommends residents of the affected area to rationalize consumption, avoiding non-priority uses of water in the hours affected by the water interruption. Consumption, in fact, constitutes a fundamental variable to avoid any inconvenience”. ”) or consult X, account @AcquedottoP.

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