Italy 24 Press News

«We celebrate the province every day with our work serving the community»

“We celebrate the Bat province, which we are honored to serve and represent, every day with constant work at the service of the community. The statement from the centre-right councilors is unfounded and at times even infantile”. Thus the vice president of the Bat province, Lorenzo Marchio Rossi.

“It makes us smile – says Marchio Rossi – the attitude of the centre-right councilors who set themselves up as history teachers by indicating to us what the first steps of the Bat province were. We know the history very well and indeed, we advise our colleagues to go and reread a passage which perhaps they have forgotten: among the signatories of the founding decree there are two centre-left parliamentarians such as Nicola Rossi and Giannicola Sinisi”.

“The contribution of our political party to the birth of this institution – continues Marchio Rossi – was fundamental, even if, it must be underlined, giving a political color to such an important passage in the history of our territory is a useless and at times cloying operation. Equally cloying – adds the vice-president of Bat – it is the accusation of “forgetfulness” leveled at president Bernardo Lodispoto”.

“As mayor of Margherita di Savoia – highlights Marchio Rossi – Lodispoto actively participated in the process of establishing the province, fighting for it to be established. Then last Saturday, the president was not “at sea” as stated by the centre-right councillors, but busy in Bisceglie in the commemoration of Giacomo Matteotti, the socialist parliamentarian brutally killed by fascists 100 years ago. Speaking of history, a good refresher on this issue too would be a good and right thing for centre-right councilors”.

“The advice I would like to give to my colleagues – concludes Marchio Rossi – is to avoid useless and sterile controversies by focusing instead on concrete issues of public utility. The community of our province needs facts and not futile and empty words”.

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