Italy 24 Press News

The Ordinary Assembly of CERVIM Members for the Lombardy Region appoints Flavio Bonardi from Brescia

The Ordinary Meeting of the Members of CERVIM (Centre for Research, Studies, Safeguarding, Coordination and Enhancement for Mountain Viticulture) of 11 June 2024 appointed the Technical Scientific Committee of the Institution for the three-year period 2024-2027, made up of representatives from Valle d’Aosta, Piedmont, Lombardy, Veneto, Spain, Switzerland, Germany, Slovenia, Portugal and some teachers and experts in the sector from Italian universities.

For the Lombardy Region, on the recommendation of Ersaf (Regional body for agriculture and forestry services), the Brescia native was appointed Flavio Bonardi.

CERVIM is an international organization created in 1987 under the auspices of the OIV, the Office International de la Vigne et du Vin, today Organization Internationale de la Vigne et du Vin. The Centre, regulated by the law of the Autonomous Region of Valle d’Aosta n. 17 of 18 August 2004, is based in Valle d’Aosta and has always operated by promoting studies, research and conferences and ensuring its presence in all institutional and sector offices where problems related to viticulture are addressed, acting as the guarantor of the interests of the Mountain and steeply sloping viticulture.

Flavio Bonardiforty-seven years old, currently President of Colli dei Longobardi Strada del Vino e dei Sapori, Regional Vice President of the Federation of Strade del Vino e dei Sapori and President of the Torbiere del Sebino Nature Reserve, will hold the role of member of the Technical Scientific Committee of CERVIM.

“Thanks to the President of Ersaf Lombardia Fabio Losio and the Director Mauro Fabrizio Fasano, for having proposed my name for this important role within the Cervim Scientific Technical Committee – he states Flavio Bonardi – my commitment will be to work with Italian and European partners, with the aim of finding technological solutions capable of reducing production costs, of proposing adequate structural interventions for an orographically difficult territory, of recovering the native vines of the areas mountain and re-evaluate the specificity and particularity of the wines obtained from them and, finally, to promote the culture of the vine in marginal areas and to encourage its protection and safeguard”.

CERVIM pursues its mission by proposing solutions for the protection of the territory, to reduce production costs and to enhance the quality of wine products, undertaking scientific research, through experiences tested and discussed nationally and internationally.

CERVIM’s activity is also extended to the viticulture of small islands characterized by structural difficulties (e.g. salinity, impossibility of mechanization…) and by an effective and permanent character of isolation and inserted in a structural and socio-economic context penalizing in terms of company profitability.

The role attributed to Flavio Bonardi, as mentioned, lasts three years.

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