Italy 24 Press News

Cremonese, Stroppa: “Trust in fundamental ownership. What? That doesn’t mean it won’t come back”

“Getting to play the season like this was a great result. There were many of us who wanted to win, we didn’t succeed, there’s no point in complaining. Venezia made the final great, Parma and Como finished ahead and did well”. The Cremonese coach Giovanni Stroppa in a long interview given to Gazzetta dello Sport he returns to the lack of promotion to Serie A with only one regret: “My only complaint is not having scored a goal in the final, we deserved something more for the game proposed. Maybe we should have kept some goals scored against Catanzaro and done them against Venezia”.

Then there is room for confirmation on the grey-red bench: “In a presumptuous way I took it for granted. I already had the contract, I would have been disappointed, but the message from the owners was important after a defeat like that. The trust of the owners was fundamental and gave me enormous pleasure. – continues Stroppa – Tail? And that’s not to say he won’t come back. With me he will break the record for goals in Serie B. There are 8 left to reach 135, here he will certainly do it.”

The coach then focuses on the next championship: “I find similarities between Catanzato and Mantova, I like Possanzini a lot and Calabro and Pagliuca also have excellent ideas. Who is being born well? I can say Palermo, but it’s too early to judge. The important thing is to dispose of the past well.”

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