Italy 24 Press News

28 thousand liters of fuel seized from a distributor

Highly flammable diesel fuel and petrol of lower quality than declared. The Como Financial Police sealed 25 fuel dispensers and seized four tanks containing 27 thousand liters of diesel and one thousand liters of petrol which were found to be non-compliant. The manager was reported for fraud in the exercise of trade and possession or use of products obtained from clandestine manufacturing or unauthorized mixing.
The operation of the yellow flames was born as part of the control plan of the provincial command of the financial police of Como to counteract the fraud in the field of excise duties and indirect taxes on the production and consumption of fuels.

The financiers carried out random checks on the correctness of the quantity of fuel delivered to the pump but also specific quality controls on fuel. In one case, serious anomalies were noted and the yellow flames therefore carried out further checks, also using the mobile chemical laboratory of the Customs Agency. The investigations confirmed the irregularities.

The results of the chemical characteristics of diesel fuel are worrying. A flash point was found at 40 degrees compared to the expected minimum of 55. A fact that increases the risk of the product catching fire during transport. Analyzes of the petrol made it possible to ascertain that the product was sold with an octane number lower than that declared and therefore without the expected characteristics.

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