Italy 24 Press News

Migrants: Integrating them? Yes you can – Corriere di Taranto

Even in summer the activity of the Migrantes of the Madonna delle Grazie parish does not stop. The recipients are mainly the little ones who, with the volunteers’ cars, are accompanied to the San Vito beach every day: for some it is even the first swim of their lives. Furthermore, moments of conviviality and activities in the workshops continue in the parish rooms, again for children. The manager of the centre, Anna Giordano, talks about it, busy distributing the clothes donated by parishioners to mothers, some of whom are still wearing the ones they came to us with. They need everything so much that, as we have seen, they don’t even refuse used underwear.

“Ours was born as a street activity, in the sense that we are the ones who intercept all the situations of need of migrants. We have no preclusions or preferences, Muslims or Christians: for us they are all brothers – explains the manager Anna Giordano – We carry out visits to homes to personally understand what they need, usually food, food for small children or to deal with bureaucratic procedures (especially for the permit of stay). Therefore, let’s activate the entire volunteer network that gravitates around our association for the necessary interventions.”

In particular, Nigerians, Syrians, Pakistanis and Georgian women (widows or those who have left their husband and children at home to find refuge in Italy) benefit from the assistance. “The initial one is the most difficult moment of the relationship; then, having gained their trust, we continue until we are fully integrated into the social fabric of Taranto. And the results are not lacking” – he says, adding that one of the most challenging activities is undoubtedly the one against illiteracy, with Italian lessons for small groups. We are also told of the case of a young man in problematic health conditions, close to expulsion, but who decided to stay in Italy to work. “We managed to get the authorities to withdraw from the measure and to have our young friend treated, enabling him to attend school until obtaining a job after graduation, with great satisfaction of the employer for his great commitment” – says Anna Giordano.

“Despite what you think – he highlights – there are many non-EU citizens who want to integrate. And it is in our interest to help them, immediately establishing a relationship of mutual respect and collaboration, for the good of all and, in particular, of the generations to come, given that they constitute a segment of the population in constant and strong growth with which it is necessary to ‘agreement”.

In the parish, the association’s desk, thanks to the availability of a couple of volunteers, is open twice a week, both for requests for help and for a word of comfort, especially for those who have loved ones in war zones.

On Sunday 9 June the Migrantes and the parish celebrated Anna, Jaime, Janna, Ekemini and Mery, little Nigerians, aged between a few months and three years, to whom the parish priest Don Pino Calamo administered the baptism. The ceremony was followed by refreshments in the parish hall, in the presence of friends and relatives of the families and volunteers. “There is no shortage – concludes Anna Giordano – of those who are struck by our testimony and who ask to begin a journey of faith up to baptism, for themselves and for their children”.

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