Italy 24 Press News

CATANZARO – Announcement from the Chamber of Commerce for cultural events

The Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro, Crotone and Vibo Valentia has published a new tender for the granting of non-repayable contributions to support promotional-advertising actions aimed at amplifying the visibility and tourist attractiveness – at regional, national and international level – of cultural, artistic, musical and recreational events to be held in the provinces reference during the year 2024.

The goal is to implement tourist flows in the area by supporting the promotion and dissemination of events that highlight its attractiveness. And, to do this, the Chamber of Commerce has allocated a total of 50 thousand euros for a maximum unit contribution of 15,000 euros and in any case no more than 40% of the specific expenditure items. The benefit is intended for companies, foundations and other third sector entities that carry out institutional and economic activities consistent with the organization of events.

For the purposes of the tender, “other third sector entities” means: voluntary organisations, social promotion associations, philanthropic bodies, social enterprises, including social cooperatives, associative networks, mutual aid societies, associations, recognized or unrecognised, and other bodies of a private nature other than companies established for the non-profit pursuit of civic, solidarity and social utility purposes through the carrying out, exclusively or principally, of one or more activities of general interest in the form of voluntary action or free provision of money, goods or services, or mutuality or the production or exchange of goods or services.

The following are specific requirements for accessing the tender: a) being responsible owners of cultural, musical, artistic and/or recreational events: a.1) which have reached at least n. 4 editions and which provide for the creation of a promotional-advertising program for the 2024 edition of an amount of no less than €4,000 excluding VAT for subjects for whom VAT is deductible; or, a.2) which provide an overall economic framework of expenditure for the 2024 edition event equal to or greater than 20,000 euros excluding VAT for entities for which VAT is deductible, and a promotional-advertising program of an amount not less €4,000 excluding VAT if deductible; b) event which includes in the program at least 60% of the individual initiatives located in the provinces of Catanzaro, Crotone and Vibo Valentia.

The application, under penalty of exclusion, must be sent exclusively to the certified email address of the Chamber of Commerce from 10:00 am on 18 June to 11:00 pm on 9 July. Applications will be examined until funds are exhausted, taking into account the chronological order of arrival as recorded by the automatic Chamber of Commerce IT system. Requirements, criteria and methods of participation are contained in detail in the notice which, with related attachments and forms, is published on the institutional website of the Chamber of Commerce at the link …/

«Once again the Chamber of Commerce concretely supports the activity and development of businesses and the territory, in the specific case to maximize the diffusion and promotion of qualified and functional initiatives to bring out and enhance the identity heritage and its attractiveness, and towards an ever wider and more numerous public”, commented the president of the chamber of commerce Pietro Falbo.

«The objective is, overall – he concluded – to implement tourist flows in a perspective of continuity which thus also marks a necessary change of attention towards those infrastructural, material and immaterial needs which support the strengthening of the tourist offer and, therefore, of economic and employment growth”. (rcz)

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