Italy 24 Press News

Trani: Digital book vouchers for the 2024-2025 school year: questions starting today

The Puglia Region has published the notice for the assignment of the benefit called “Free or semi-free supply of textbooks to students of first and second level secondary institutions, for the 2024/2025 school year”.
Starting from 12.00 on Monday 17 June and until 12.00 on 31 July, by connecting to the portal www.studioinpuglia.regione.puglia, in the “TEXTBOOKS AS 2024/2025” section, it will be possible to submit an application for the assignment of the free or semi-free supply of textbooks adopted for the next school year 2024/2025 by first and second level secondary schools.
Male and female students or, if minors, those who exercise parental responsibility or guardianship in possession of the following requirements can submit a request to access the benefit:
valid Economic Situation Indicator (ISEE), not exceeding €. 11,000.00 or not exceeding €14,000.00 in the case of families with 3 or more children;
Residence in the Municipality of TRANI
Attendance, in the 2024/2025 school year, at first and second level secondary institutions;
To access the StudioInPuglia portal, the following can be used alternatively:
SPID (access via digital identity)
CIE (Electronic Identity Card)
CNS (TS-CNS) (National Services Card or Health Card).
The Municipality of Trani has arranged, also for the 2024/2025 school year, the provision of the benefit relating to the first notice – exclusively – through BOOK VOUCHER – no other form of provision is permitted, including the total or partial reimbursement of the expense incurred.
The digital book voucher (in the form of a code) will be automatically available only after the confirmation of admission to the contribution has been sent to the beneficiaries by email and will be spendable at one of the merchants (bookstores, stationery shops, newsstands) accredited by the Municipality of Trani, the list of which will be published soon. The voucher must be spent at a single merchant.
Upon delivery of the texts, the merchant will have to upload to the platform the list of ISBN codes (also detectable with an optical reader) and the selling price (which cannot exceed the cover price).
All interested parties are invited to carefully check that the application is completed in its entirety, under penalty of nullity.
For any information relating to “book vouchers” (1st and 2nd grade secondary schools), consult the dedicated regional portal or the attached Regional Public Notice.
We also inform you that the procedure is divided between two time windows and that the second time window will be active from 12:00 on 5 September 2024 until 12:00 on 16 September 2024 and that the contribution of those who participate in this window will be paid according to the reimbursement method, without prejudice to the fact that in the per capita determination of the amount of the benefit, the same will not exceed the contributions paid in the first window

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