Italy 24 Press News

Many more appointments in the month of June at the Libreria degli Asinelli in Varese

The month of June at the Donkey bookshop Of via Bagaini 14 a Varese always continues with the invitation to have a lunch break, a snack, an aperitif or an aperitif at

Wise Donkey Bistro

the greedy corner inside the bookcase.

Open all day, from Thursday to Saturday offers the possibility of taking a tasty break at popular prices inside the bookshop or in the reserved courtyard. A’peaceful oasis in the center where you can find platters, saucers or sandwiches and good wineto be enjoyed perhaps after having chosen some excellent reading.

Fantasy cycle: Sara Benatti and Arianna in the bookshop

Wednesday 19 June at 6.30pm. For the fantasy cycle led by Davide D. Longo, we host in the bookshop Sara Benatti (also known to many as Aislinn) with its recent “The Curse of Ariadne”, a rereading ‘outside the myth’ to discover that the thread to escape the labyrinth is intertwined with that of other ‘sisters’. Free admission. Reservations are appreciated for reasons of space. At the end, sign copies with purchase of the book from us.

On autism: a new book by Edizioni degli Animali

Thursday 20 June at 7pm we will host Riccardo Corsi and Teresa Iaria (Edizioni degli Animali), with Marco Reggioeditor of the volume of Dawn Prince-Hughes “Songs of the Gorilla Nation. My journey through autism”. Translation of Feminoska. A biography of exceptional scope written by someone who has gone through autism and deciphered it as a dimension not of a sick diversity but of one’s own uniqueness. A journey of self-discovery experienced (also) thanks to the encounter – in silence – with a gorilla and told with extraordinary grace. Free admission. Reservation appreciated.

From “Parole migrant” a translation magazine

Friday 21 June at 7.00pm, our proposals continue for those interested in translation. This time we will have the pleasure of hosting the magazine’s editorial team Intertwining, which publishes excellent preview works by the most capable literary translators. We will also have guests among them Antonio Bibbo, translator by Jan Carson. We will have the opportunity to learn about the new issue that has just been released as well as the project Migrant Words and their beautiful magazine. Reservation appreciated. Bistro open for those who wish.

New date for Luca Vullo and his body voice

Saturday 2 June at 7.30 pm

We resume the appointment canceled due to bad weather in May, and this time “no ifs or buts” the meeting is for a presentation + aperitif for those who want it in the courtyard of the bookshop.

Free admission. Reservation is welcome.

Phytotherapeutic herbs with Dr. Gabriele Peroni

Let’s end the month Saturday 29th at 6.30pm with Dr. Gabriele Peroni, and his book “Nature that heals” (Macchione Ed.). An appointment not to be missed with an important figure for his great experience in the field of phytotherapy. During the evening a tasting of themed herbal teas will be offered thanks to the collaboration ofGaya Terra herbalist which we thank from the bottom of our hearts! Reservations are appreciated for organizational reasons.

Donkey bookshop
Via G. Bagaini 14, Varese
Tel. 0332830824
Mobile and Whatsapp: 348 0713075
Email: [email protected]

Monday from 2.30pm to 7.30pm
From Tuesday to Saturday from 10.00 to 19.00

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