Italy 24 Press News

Municipality of Sanremo: administrative competitions 2024

The Municipality of Sanremo (Imperia) has announced two public competitions for administrators 2024.

Administrative instructors and specialists in administrative and accounting activities are selected for hiring a indefinite period.

The qualifications to participate in the competitions are diploma and the degree.

Applications must be submitted by June 27, 2024.

Below we provide all the useful information on the profiles sought and their respective requirements, selection, how to send the admission application and the notices to download.


The competitions of the Municipality of Sanremo therefore provide for the permanent and full-term recruitment of administrative staff and, in particular, of:

  • n. 4 administrative instructorsof which no. 2 seats are reserved with priority to volunteers of the Armed Forces;
  • n. 1 specialist in administrative and accounting activities.


The selections of the Ligurian municipality are open to the participation of candidates in possession of the general requirements for access to public competitions, namely:

  • citizenship Italian or of the Member States of the European Union or of other categories indicated in the notices;
  • have reached the age of majority and be of no older age than that required by current regulations for retirement;
  • enjoyment of civil and political rights;
  • physical fitness to the specific use;
  • not have been excluded from the active political electorate;
  • not have been dismissed or discharged from employment in a PA;
  • have not been convicted with a final sentence for crimes that constitute an impediment to employment in a public administration;
  • if criminal proceedings or administrative proceedings are underway For
    the application of security or prevention measures or criminal proceedings against you
    load, give notice as indicated in the notice;
  • regular position with respect to military service obligations.


Participants in the selections must possess the specific qualifications of the role for which they are competing:


  • diploma of upper secondary education lasting five years;


One of the following qualifications:

  • 1st level degree falling within the following classes:
    – L-14 Legal services sciences;
    – L-16 Administration and organization sciences;
    – L-18 Economics and business management sciences;
    – L-33 Economic sciences;
    – L-36 Political sciences and international relations;
  • degree obtained with the study system prior to Ministerial Decree 509/99 in:
    – Political Science;
    – Law;
    – Business Economics;
  • corresponding specialist/master’s degree achieved with the new system – according to the equivalence referred to in the Decree of the Ministry of Education, University and Research of 07.09.2009.


In the event that, in each competition, more than 60 applications are received, one will be announced preselection.

Contestants will be selected through two exams: a written test and an oral test.

The exam program on which the tests will focus is reported in the respective notices.

The following will also be subject to verification:

  • basic knowledge of the English language (level B1);
  • knowledge of the main programs of the use of equipment and applications
    most popular IT systems: Word, Excel, Access; open source programs for word processing, document processing, spreadsheet processing and data storage; email and Internet management.

The public selections respect the new rules established by the public competition regulations.


Candidates for the competitions organized by the Municipality of Sanremo must submit the application for admission to the competitions by June 27, 2024 only with telematic procedure, via the inPA portal. Application links are available:

  • on this page for the administrative instructor competition;
  • on this page for the administrative and accounting activities specialist competition.

To access the platform you must authenticate using SPID / CIE / CNS or eIDAS credentials.

Competitors must indicate in the online application, among other data, their address certified email (PEC). Anyone who doesn’t have one can read in this article how to get one in just 30 minutes, from home.

We would like to point out that, in order to participate in both selections, it is mandatory to pay the competition fee €10.00.

If you have problems sending your application, we recommend you read this guide which explains simply and clearly how to register on the inPA portal and apply.


Those interested in the competitions of the Municipality of Sanremo are invited to read the notices attached below:

  • administrative instructor competition: NOTICE (Pdf 216 KB);
  • administrative and accounting activities specialist competition: NOTICE (Pdf 215 KB).

For completeness, we would like to point out that the notices have been published on the inPA portal and on the organisation’s website in this section.


All the communications on the competitions, including the calendar and location of the tests and their outcome, will be carried out only by publication on the InPA portal, in the specific section dedicated to the procedure, and on the Municipality’s website, in the “Transparent Administration” section.


We invite you to consult the most interesting public competitions for graduates, competitions for graduates and the section on competitions for administrative profiles.

To discover other public selections, you can visit the page dedicated to 2024 public competitions, always updatedand the page on the next upcoming competitions, so you can find out which tenders will be released in the coming months and prepare yourself in time.

Finally, to always stay updated on job opportunities and public selections, sign up to our free newsletter and to the Telegram, WhatsApp and TikTok channel @ticonsigliounlavoro.

Follow us also on Google News by clicking on “Follow”.

by Laura G.

Journalist, expert in public work and training.

All job advertisements published are aimed without distinction at candidates of both sexes, in full compliance with Law 903/1977.

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